(OSHA 3365 - 2009) (English: HTML PDF) Poultry: Workers' Rights Wallet Card 365 Barr Avenue, Mississippi State, MS 39762 Phone: (662) 325-5002 | Fax: (662) 325-2702 Contact Us (OSHA HA-3768 - 2015) OSHA Resources Form for Filing a Hazard Complaint. (2018) Tree Care Work Hazards - Hazard Bulletin N3647, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington DC 20210. (2008, January 28) (English: PDF) Whether conducting a toolbox talk or workplace safety and health class, OSHA has resources for employers and workers. (1994, August 30) (OSHA 2268 - 2015) (English: PDF Add to Cart) (1989, May 23) too . (OSHA 3845 - 2016) Laboratory Safety: Working with Small Animals Quick Facts (Vietnamese: PDF) Workers' Rights - Bookmark Safety and Health Programs: Recommended Practices N TOP (OSHA FS-3634 - 2013) (2010, October 14) (OSHA 3562 - 2012) (Spanish: PDF) (OSHA 3419 - 2016) (English: HTML Add to Cart) (2002, April 11) (2010) Roof Tarping (Blue Roof) Safety Fact Sheet (English: HTML PDF) TTY (English: HTML PDF) (Spanish: PDF) (2003, February 3) (English: PDF) Shipyard Employment: Safe Use of Portable and Hand-Held Power Tools Fact Sheet Joe currently serves as an Officer on the Mississippi Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) and a Director at Large on the OSHA Region IV Voluntary Protection Program Participants Association (VPPPA). (OSHA FS-3464 - 2011) (2009) The Department of Labor does not endorse, takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over the linked organization or its views, or contents, nor does it vouch for the accuracy or accessibility of the information contained on the destination server. Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Heavy Equipment and Utility Vehicles Used for Grading and Excavating Tasks Fact Sheet Hazards Associated with Hand-Feeding Bar Straightening Machines (English: PDF) (2000, September 13) (Spanish: PDF) Hazards of Wood Chippers (2005) (OSHA 3373 - 2009) (English: PDF) Stairways and Ladders (1990, March 15) (2005, September 8) (Spanish: PDF Add to Cart) (English: PDF) (Spanish: PDF) (OSHA FS-3961 - 2018) (1998, October 8) SARS Fact Sheet Continued on page 2. (OSHA FS-3655 - 2018) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (Spanish: PDF) Use leak-resistant containment for textiles and fabrics contaminated with blood or body substances (293,355). (English: PDF) Items noted with an asterisk ( * ) are required in order to accept your submission. (2010, February 2) Safe Practices for Tractor Trailer Drivers (OSHA 3144 - 2003) (English: HTML) (English: HTML) (OSHA FS-3901 - 2016) Inspections Fact Sheet Laboratory Safety: OSHA Laboratory Standard Fact Sheet (English: HTML PDF) (English: HTML) (English: HTML PDF) (2004, September 1) (OSHA 3347 - 2015) 9 8 KEY REQUIREMENTS RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM 1 Written program with policies and procedures 2 Program administrator Hazard evaluation & respirator selection (OSHA 3621 - 2013) (English: PDF) (English: HTML PDF) Working Safely with Mobile Ladder Stands (OSHA 3861 - 2016) (OSHA 3767 - 2015) (Chinese Traditional: PDF) (OSHA 3251 - 2011) (OSHA 3964 - 2018) Vehicle-mounted Elevating and Rotating Devices (English: HTML PDF) Training: OSHA Training Institute (OTI) Education Centers Fact Sheet (English: PDF), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA 3387 - 2010) (English: PDF Add to Cart) (OSHA FS-3922 - 2017) (English: PDF) (OSHA 3375 - 2010) (English: HTML) (OSHA 3797 - 2015) Lyme Disease Alert Fact Sheet OSHA provides an online form to report possible safety or health hazards. (2004, August 16) (English: HTML) U TOP (English: PDF) Do not sort or prerinse contaminated textiles or fabrics in patient-care areas (293). (2008, March 24) Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Stationary Masonry Saws Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (OSHA FS-3723 - 2014) (OSHA 3153 - 2009) (OSHA 3330 - 2011) Shield It. Longshoring: Preventing Semi-Tractor Driver Injuries during Container Lifting Operations Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (OSHA 3454 - 2011) (English: PDF) Scaffolding: Tube and Coupler Scaffolds - Erection and Use Fact Sheet (2011) Workers' Rights: Nail Salon Worker Rights Card (English: PDF Add to Cart) Poultry: Workers' Rights Poster - OSHA/USDA (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) Longshoring Industry (OSHA 3565 - 2012) Whistleblower Protection for Public Transportation Agency Workers Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (English: HTML) (English: PDF) (OSHA 2254 - 2015) (English: PDF) (OSHA 3473 - 2018) Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire Infosheet (Spanish: HTML PDF) (OSHA 3854 - 2016) Hydraulic Tractor/Semi-Trailer Dumper Platform (English: PDF) Marine Cargo Handling First Aid QuickCard™ (English: PDF) (OSHA FS-3583 - 2012) Lead in Construction N-Nitroso Compounds in Industry (English: PDF Add to Cart) West Nile Virus QuickCard™ 200 Constitution Ave NW QuickCard™ (OSHA FS-3649 - 2013) (English: PDF) P TOP (OSHA FS-3948 - 2018) (Spanish: PDF) Hydraulic Systems Modifications (1996, October 31) Toluene: Toluene Safety in the Workplace InfoSheet Longshoring: Servicing Multi-Piece and Single-Piece Rim Wheels QuickCard™ (English: PDF) Oil Spill Cleanup: Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers Lead: If You Work Around Lead, Don't Take it Home! (English: PDF) Inspection of Suspension-Type Highway Trailers Prior to Loading and Unloading with Powered Industrial Trucks (English: PDF) Training: Resource Center Loan Program (English: HTML) (English: PDF) Snow Removal: Falls and Other Hazards to Workers Removing Snow from Rooftops and Other Elevated Surfaces (OSHA 3593 - 2012) Young Worker: I have rights - Youth Poster Center for Continuing Education. (English: PDF) (1995, September 21) Can be used with the worksite poster as a training aid. (OSHA 3855 - 2017) (English: PDF) (2005) (OSHA FS-3628 - 2017) (2011) Attempting to view or print large PDF files through your browser with a plug-in viewer, can result in various technical difficulties. (English: PDF) Hazard of Laser Surgery Smoke Shipyard Employment Hazards during the Repair and Maintenance of Refrigeration Systems on Vessels Fact Sheet (OSHA FS 3654 - 2014) (English: PDF) This address may be different from the site location address. (English: PDF Add to Cart) (English: HTML PDF) Materials Handling and Storage (English: PDF) (2005) (English: PDF) (OSHA 3151 - 2004) (OSHA 4047 - 2020) (English: PDF) (English: HTML) That Was No Accident! (Spanish: PDF) (Spanish: PDF) (English: HTML PDF) Heat Illness: Protecting Workers from the Effects of Heat Fact Sheet 200 Constitution Ave NW (2008, August 12) OSHA says the business and the … (English: PDF) Material Hoist Collapse: Fatal Facts (English: HTML PDF) Process Safety Management Depends on You! (English: PDF) (OSHA FS 3734 - 2014) Scaffolding (Spanish: PDF) Top/Side Handler Safety in Marine Terminals QuickCard (OSHA 3469-B - 2012) Personal Protective Equipment Fact Sheet The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Personal Protective Technology (PPT) Program’s mission is to prevent work-related injury, illness, and death by advancing the state of knowledge and application of PPT. Whistleblower Protection for Nuclear Industry Workers Fact Sheet What Is a Recordable Injury? (OSHA 3253 - 2005) Hazard Communication: Hazard Communication in the Maritime Industry Fact Sheet Respiratory Protection Standard: Small Entity Compliance Guide (2002) (2009, July 31) (Thai: PDF) Key Switch Controlled Elevating and Rotating Aerial Lifts (OSHA FS-3946 - 2018) (English: PDF Add to Cart) (English: PDF) (OSHA 3132 - 2000) (Spanish: EPUB MOBI PDF) (Portuguese: PDF) (OSHA FS 3815 - 2015) (OSHA 3247 - 2017) (English: EPUB MOBI PDF Add to Cart) Marine Terminals: Servicing Multi-Piece and Single-Piece Rim Wheels in Marine Terminals Fact Sheet (OSHA FS-3632 - 2017) (Spanish: PDF) Julia Dozier … Respiratory Protection: Respiratory Infection Control - Respirators Versus Surgical Masks Fact Sheet Strategic Partnership Program Fact Sheet (OSHA 3981 - 2019) Whistleblower Protection: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Fact Sheet (English: HTML PDF) (English: PDF) Improper Support of an Elevator Car During Installation Use "(OSHA)" without the quotation marks as your in-text citation. (English: PDF) Line 10 – Site Contact Information • Enter the site contact person’s name, address, and phone number. (English: HTML PDF Add to Cart) (OSHA 3802 - 2015) Voluntary Protection Programs Fact Sheet (1995, June 22) Potential Over Pressurization of Bromochlorodimethylhydantoin (BCDMH) Treatment Systems (OSHA FS-3936 - 2017) (OSHA FS 3784 - 2015) (OSHA 3781 - 2015) (OSHA FS 3858- 2016) (OSHA FS-3760 - 2014) Any reference to a commercial product, process, service, or company is not an endorsement or recommendation by … (1997, July 15) (OSHA FS-3713 - 2013) (Tagalog: PDF) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (2001, June 20) Human Remains: Workers Handling Human Remains Fact Sheet (OSHA 3274 - 2005) (OSHA 3163 - 2002) Tractor Safety: Rollover Protection and Operating Tractors Safely Pamphlet (Portuguese: PDF) (Spanish: PDF) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (OSHA FS-3841 - 2018) (1996, June 20) You can also fax your request to 202-693-1635, or email [email protected]. Respiratory Protection: NIOSH/OSHA/CDC Hospital Respiratory Protection Program Toolkit Lead Hazards Fact Sheet (OSHA FS-3739 - 2014) Hazards when Purging Hydrogen Gas-Cooled Electric Generators (English: HTML PDF) LINK: www.osha.gov . (Cebuano: PDF) (English: PDF) (Spanish: PDF) (OSHA FS-3957 - 2018) Trenching Poster Lethal Exposure to Methylene Chloride during Bathtub Refinishing: Fatal Facts Workers: OSHA Requirements When a Worker Experiences a Job-Related Injury or Illness Fact Sheet Chemicals used to make paints, varnishes, adhesives, laminates and soldering resin. Testing may be performed on workers who perform jobs that may cause exposure to possible lung hazards, are physically demanding, or require wearing a respirator. (OSHA 3472 -2012) (Spanish: PDF) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (OSHA 3881 - 2016) (English: PDF) N3647, 200 Constitution Ave., NW, Washington DC 20210. The Department of Labor does not endorse, takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over the linked organization or its views, or contents, nor does it vouch for the accuracy or accessibility of the information contained on the destination server. Nail Gun Safety: A Guide for Construction Contractors (English: PDF) (OSHA FS 3863 - 2016) (OSHA 3439 - 2014) Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld and Stand-Mounted Drills Fact Sheet Federal officials had learned from a local news story about a … (OSHA 3255 - 2018) Pandemic Influenza: Pandemic Flu Respiratory Protection QuickCard™ West Nile Virus Fact Sheet (Spanish: HTML PDF Add to Cart) Portland Cement: Preventing Skin Problems for Working with Portland Cement (English: HTML PDF) (OSHA FS-3744 - 2014) (Spanish: PDF) (English: PDF) Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers OSHA has partnered with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in publishing "Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers." Hospital Safety: How Safe is Your Hospital for Workers? The Use of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pipe in Above ground Installations Medical & Dental Offices - A Guide to Compliance with OSHA Standards (2002) (OSHA 3805 - 2015) (Spanish: PDF) (Spanish: PDF) (English: HTML) Shipyards: Safe Lighting Practices in the Shipyard Industry Fact Sheet (OSHA 3793 - 2015) (English: HTML) (OSHA NIOSH OSHA USCG EPA 1985) Multiple Parts - Available In Bundled ZIP (OSHA 3718 - 2014) Visit our website at www.osha4you.com or contact us at 866-936-6742 for additional information. (English: PDF) (OSHA 3735 - 2014) (Portuguese: PDF) Hazards Associated with De-Watering of Pipelines (English: HTML PDF) O TOP Please click the button below to continue. (English: HTML PDF) (OSHA 4067 - 2020) Tree Trimming Fact Sheet (English: HTML PDF) OSHA provides an online form to report possible safety or health hazards. We've detected an unusually high number of searches coming from your location. Hexavalent Chromium: Controlling Hazardous Fume and Gases during Welding Fact Sheet Pandemic: Protecting Workers during a Pandemic Fact Sheet Whistleblower Protections and the Environment Fact Sheet Truck Cranes Hydraulic Fracturing and Flowback Hazards Other than Respirable Silica Guide Shipyard Employment: Hazards Associated with Spray Painting in Shipyard Employment Fact Sheet (English: PDF) OSHA Penalty Adjustments To Take Effect After August 1, 2016 Fact Sheet Rigid Pipe Threading Machines (English: PDF) (2005) Line 9 – Mailing Address • Enter the mailing address. Star ME-1 Dry Fire Sprinklers (1989, May 2) Protecting Young Workers: Prohibition Against Young Workers Operating Forklifts (English: HTML PDF) (OSHA FS-3668 - 2008) (OSHA FS 3677 - 2013) (OSHA 3971-06-2019) Mercury: Avoiding Exposure from Fluorescent Bulbs QuickCard (OSHA 3851 - 2016) (OSHA 3434 - 2011) Rest assured that OSHA will, should one or more agents show up for an inspection. Heat Hazards: Working Outdoors in Warm Climates Fact Sheet Potential for Natural Gas and Coal Dust Explosions in Electrical Power Generating Facilities (OSHA 3383 - 2010) (2004, May 20) Resource for Development and Delivery of Training to Workers (English: PDF Add to Cart) Keeping Workers Safe during Flood Cleanup: OSHA Alert Workers' Rights: As a Worker, You Have the Right...- Magnet (2005) Parking Garage Collapse: Fatal Facts (OSHA 3302 - 2020) Screening and Surveillance: A Guide to OSHA Standards (OSHA FS 3923 - 2017) (Spanish: PDF) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (English: HTML PDF) (OSHA FS 3895 - 2016) (OSHA 3853 - 2016) Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Vehicle-Mounted Drilling Rigs for Rock and Concrete Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (OSHA FS 3897 - 2017) (OSHA 3366 - 2009) Nevada OSHA operates as an approved state program as defined by section 18 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and is required by the Act to operate in a manner that is at least as effective as the federal OSHA enforcement program. (English: PDF) (2009) (OSHA 3918 - 2017) (English: PDF Add to Cart) (2002, April 12) (English: HTML) A spirometry breathing test shows how well you can move air in and out of your lungs. (English: HTML PDF) The center of the sprayhead pattern should be at least 16 inches from any wall, door, or obstruction. (OSHA 3860 - 2016) (OSHA 3560 - 2012) (English: PDF Add to Cart) Young Workers Fact Sheet (being revised) (English: PDF) (OSHA FS 3917 - 2017) Learn More--CMS FactSheet (OSHA FS-4073 - 2020) (English: PDF) Protect Workers Operating and Working Near Forklifts: OSHA Alert Learn of precautions your employer should take any time temperatures are high and the job involves physical work. (English: PDF) (OSHA 3337 - 2014) (OSHA 3890 - 2016) (Portuguese: PDF) Preventing Adverse Health Effects from Exposure to Beryllium in Dental Laboratories OSHA, 2012. Any work-related fatality. (OSHA FS-3935 - 2017) Title: N95 Fit Test Infographic Subject: N95 Fit Test Infographic Keywords: N95 Fit Test Infographic, OSHA, NIOSH Created Date: 8/30/2016 3:17:24 PM Worker Rights: We Are OSHA - We Can Help Brochure (English: HTML PDF) (English: PDF) Human Remains: Health and Safety Recommendations for Workers Who Handle Human Remains Fact Sheet Use "(OSHA)" without the quotation marks as your in-text citation. (English: PDF) (OSHA 3411 - 2011) (Vietnamese: PDF) (English: PDF) (OSHA 3390 - 2010) (English: HTML PDF) OSHA At-A-Glance (OSHA 3924 - 2017) Click here for more information: (English: PDF) (English: HTML PDF) (English: PDF) 11 - Safety and Health in Shipyard Employment (OSHA 3418 - 2011) (Spanish: PDF) (Vietnamese: PDF) Whistleblower: Filing Whistleblower Complaints under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (Spanish: PDF) (3453-B - 2011) Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Severe Storm and Flood Recovery Assistance. Ladder Safety: Reducing Falls in Construction: Safe Use of Extension Ladders Fact Sheet Process Safety Management Guidelines for Compliance (OSHA 3215 - 2018) Potential Hazards Associated with the Use of Replacement Materials for Machine Guarding (English: PDF) Washington, DC 20210 Scaffolding: Narrow Frame Scaffolds Fact Sheet Administration at www.cdtfa.ca.gov. Ladder Safety: Reducing Falls in Construction: Safe Use of Stepladders Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (OSHA 3680 - 2014) (English: PDF) (OSHA 3623 - 2013) Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (OSHA 3165 - 2019) English: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3167 - 2019) Spanish: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3724 - 2015) Chinese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3839 - 2015) Haitian Creole: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3725 - 2019) Korean: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3726 - 2015) Nepali: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3347 - 2015) Polish: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3495 - 2017) Portuguese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3837 - 2015) Vietnamese: PDF Add to Cart, This is required to be posted in all worksites, (OSHA 3994 - 2020) English: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3995 - 2020) Spanish: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4014 - 2020) Arabic: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4009 - 2020) Brazilian Portuguese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4005 - 2020) Chinese Simplified: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4004 - 2020) Chinese Traditional: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4007 - 2020) French Creole: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4013 - 2020) Hmong: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4011 - 2020) Korean: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4010 - 2020) Polish: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4012 - 2020) Russian: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4006 - 2020) Tagalog: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4008 - 2020) Vietnamese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4015 - 2020) English: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4016 - 2020) Spanish: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4036 - 2020) Arabic: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4037 - 2020) Brazilian Portuguese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4032 - 2020) Chinese Simplified: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4031 - 2020) Chinese Traditional: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4034 - 2020) French Creole: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4041 - 2020) Hmong: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4039 - 2020) Korean: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4043 - 2020) Kunama: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4038 - 2020) Polish: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4040 - 2020) Russian: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4044 - 2020) Somali: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4033 - 2020) Tagalog: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4035 - 2020) Vietnamese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4050 - 2020) English: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4051 - 2020) Spanish: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4062 - 2020) Arabic: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4061 - 2020) Brazilian Portuguese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4064 - 2020) Chinese Simplified: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4065 - 2020) Chinese Traditional: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4052 - 2020) French: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4053 - 2020) French Creole: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4054 - 2020) Hmong: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4055 - 2020) Korean: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4056 - 2020) Kunama: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4068 - 2020) Marshallese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4057 - 2020) Nepali: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4058 - 2020) Polish: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4063 - 2020) Portuguese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4059 - 2020) Somali: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4060 - 2020) Vietnamese: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 4091 - 2020) Chinese Simplified: PDF, (OSHA 3302 - 2015) English: PDF Add to Cart, (OSHA 3173 - 2015) Spanish: PDF Add to Cart, Exposure to heat can cause illness and death. (OSHA FS-4072 - 2020) (OSHA 3385 - 2010) (OSHA FS-3648 - 2013) Voluntary Protection Programs: You've Been Selected to Be a VPP Onsite Team Member... Now What? (English: HTML PDF) (OSHA 3637 - 2013) Heat Illness: OSHA-NIOSH Heat Illness InfoSheet: Protecting Workers from Heat Illness (English: EPUB MOBI PDF) Protect Workers from Wet Grain Engulfment Hazards: OSHA Alert NEW Special Purpose Particle Accelerators (OSHA 3690 - 2013) (OSHA 3977 - 2019) At times, workers may be required to work in hot environments for long periods. If working outdoors, the risk for heat-related illnesses, such as heat stroke, can cause serious medical problems or death. Marine Terminal Fall Protection for Personnel Platforms Fact Sheet Ladder Safety QuickCard™ OSHA provides an online form to report possible safety or health hazards. (OSHA FS 3699 - 2013) Pandemic Influenza: What Employers Can Do to Protect Workers from Pandemic Influenza Fact Sheet (OSHA 3558 - 2012) (Chinese Traditional: PDF) 21 July 2014. Use of Blunt-Tip Suture Needles to Decrease Percutaneous Injuries to Surgical Personnel. (OSHA 3520 - 2012) Meatpacking: Safety and Health Guide for the Meatpacking Industry (English: HTML PDF) Nevada OSHA issued fines last week following a rally in Minden last month hosted by President Donald Trump. (English: HTML) (English: PDF) (2019, September 27) (English: HTML PDF) (Spanish: PDF) Isocyanates: Do You Have Work-Related Asthma? Respirators: Start-Up Oxygen in CSE SR-100 Self-Contained Self-Rescuers OSHA Alert Hexavalent Chromium: Small Entity Compliance Guide for the Hexavalent Chromium Standards Z TOP (English: PDF Add to Cart) Hazardous Waste & Emergency Response Nevada OSHA has issued a total of 177 notices of citation and penalty related to violations of required COVID-19 health and safety measures in effect since mid-March. (English: HTML) (OSHA 3074 - 2002) (OSHA 2226 - 2015) (OSHA 3944 - 2018) (Spanish: PDF) (OSHA 3167 - 2019) (Spanish: PDF) Static Electricity Buildup in Plastic Pipe (OSHA 3888 - 2016) Silica: Silica Exposure during Hydraulic Fracturing InfoSheet Silica: Controlling Silica Dust in Construction - Handheld Grinders for Mortar Removal (Tuckpointing) Fact Sheet (English: HTML) 1 page(OSHA 3435 - 2011) (English: PDF) It features a 10-step program outlining what an employer can do to improve traffic safety performance and minimize the risk of motor vehicle crashes. (Vietnamese: PDF Add to Cart) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (OSHA FS 3836 - 2015) Shipyard Employment: General Working Conditions in Shipyard Employment - Motor Vehicle Safety Equipment, Operation and Maintenance Fact Sheet (English: HTML PDF) (Spanish: PDF) Laboratory Safety: Chemical Fume Hoods Quick Facts (English: PDF) (OSHA 3838 - 2015) (OSHA 3912 - 2017) Innovative Workplace Safety Accommodations for Hearing-Impaired Workers (English: PDF) (Spanish: PDF) (1997) (English: HTML PDF) You can also fax your request to 202-693-1635, or email [email protected]. (English: HTML) (OSHA FS 3829 - 2015) (OSHA 3789 - 2015) (Spanish: PDF) Know the Facts--CMS FactSheet (OSHA 0088 - 2018) (English: HTML) (OSHA FS 3696 - 2014) (OSHA 3313 - 2007) (English: PDF) (English: PDF) (OSHA FS-3627 - 2017) (OSHA 3774 - 2020) (2003, September 30) Shipbreaking Fact Sheet (English: PDF) (OSHA FS-3460 - 2011) Tree Care Work: Electricity and Tree Care Work Pamphlet Total Flooding Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Fire Extinguishing System Motor Vehicle Safe Driving Practices QuickCard™ Whistleblower Protection for Consumer Product Industry Workers Fact Sheet (OSHA 3396 - 2010) (English: PDF Add to Cart) (OSHA 3432 - 2011) (OSHA 3300 - 2005) (Spanish: PDF) (English: PDF) (OSHA FS-3461 - 2011) Workplace Violence Fact Sheet (Spanish: PDF) Heat Illness: Stopping for Water Keeps You Going, Community Poster (Spanish) Heat Safety Illustrated, Low-Literacy Fact Sheet (Construction/Agriculture) (Spanish) Simply click the link provided, fill out and submit. (OSHA 3559 - 2013) 800-321-6742 (OSHA) Nevada OSHA has issued a total of 182 notices of citation and penalty related to violations of required COVID-19 health and safety measures in effect since mid-March. (1989, January 26) V TOP OSHA has partnered with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) in publishing "Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers." Struck By (changing bales): Fatal Facts Laboratory Safety: Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) Fact Sheet (English: HTML PDF) (OSHA 3976 - 2019) (OSHA 3400 - 2010) (English: HTML PDF) 1 - Injury and Illness Recordkeeping Requirements (OSHA FS-3670 - 2020) (OSHA FS-3463 - 2011) (Spanish: PDF) Hazards of Unintended Movement of Dump Truck Body Beds (English: PDF) (English: PDF) Mold Fact Sheet (English: HTML PDF) (OSHA 3820 - 2015) The guide describes the steps that employers are required to take to protect employees from hazards associated with exposure to hexavalent chromium. (OSHA 3284 - 2007) 7 - Powered Industrial Truck Training (OSHA 3243 - 2018) (OSHA 3410 - 2011) (OSHA 3624 - 2016) (English: PDF) Hazards of Manually Lifting Balloon Framed Walls (OSHA 3691 - 2013) (OSHA 3616 - 2012) (OSHA FS 3698 - 2013) (English: PDF) (English: HTML PDF) (English: EPUB HTML MOBI PDF Add to Cart) (1993) Nevada OSHA has issued a total of 182 notices of citation and penalty related to violations of required COVID-19 health and safety measures in effect since mid-March. (OSHA FS-3783 - 2016) (OSHA 3708 - 2014) Healthcare OSHA Resources As of January 18, 2018 800-321-OSHA(6742) OSHA’s Hazard Communication Safety & Health Topics Page: – https://www.osha.gov/dsg/hazcom/ (OSHA 2001 - 2003) QuickCard™ (Spanish: PDF) Shipyards: Safety While Working Alone in Shipyards Fact Sheet (OSHA FS-4046 - 2020) Temporary Worker Initiative (TWI) Bulletin No. (English: HTML PDF) Methylene Chloride: OSHA/NIOSH Hazard Alert - Hazards for Bathtub Refinishers Date ; for most standards, this field will be blank the National Institute for Occupational and... Constitution Ave., NW, Washington DC 20210 note that the date for an standard... 2015 ) ( English: PDF Add to Cart ) osha gov pls Safety Depends... Form for Filing a Hazard complaint used to make paints, varnishes, adhesives, and... Courses include OSHA 10-Hour Outreach, and phone number Labor physical address 4 West Edenton St. Raleigh NC... Plug-In viewer, can result in various technical difficulties person ’ s,... Pdf ) Temporary Worker Initiative ( TWI ) Bulletin No to employers on measures they should take time! Category IC ( OSHA 3781 - 2015 ) ( English: PDF ) Temporary Worker (... From employers who have benefited from effective driver Safety programs you will receive a digital certificate of completion Safety. Of workmen www.osha4you.com or contact us at 866-936-6742 for additional information CDTFA number, this field will be.! Be different from the sponsor of the 4,902 … an OSHA-accepted fit test protocol be... Three forms for recording injuries and illnesses, and use it as an educational tool. To prevent heat-related illnesses and death where natural means of fresh air shall be provided use... For cases involving workers from a Temporary help service, or a robot an employer can do to improve Safety! 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