When April ran off into the woods I could really relate to how she felt, she wanted away from the lonely, hollow pain inside but her body wasn’t her own. I got on this site because I actually wanted to find out what made April so angry so I was researching it when I found these comments. As is the discussion of this post, it is very unclear her original intent; thus the interesting conversation. Here what she’s made of overrides what she may have wanted.. Making that attempt of hers in the direction of what she wanted, futile. She is aware though that she has no options and the tragedy of Yates’s characters is that they often battle for ‘truth’ until all options run out. It makes me feel that maybe, what she did wasnt what she set out to do…, & by the way the funny thing about debates is if either party speaks with conviction, thinking he/she is right, & Fascinating discussion which leaves me feeling that indeed the author did intend an ambiguity reflecting the be-fogged thinking of someone in April’s situation. Thank you for this Dylan. She felt trapped and overwhelmed by a empty life. Also thankyou for printing my comment before. It was made clear that Frank felt like she did it on purpose knowing she would die. I think your reading of April and how she arrives at her decision is very interesting. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: My wrting is not as eloquent or complete as the others. So the author leaves us with a similar sense of frustration as Frank felt. Such a depressing movie. I think Mendes saw her like that too but I’m not sure and I can really only talk about the book. Posted on 20 December, 2012 by Shweta Krishnan. But the debate that must’ve gone through her mind, is what i’m speculating on.. Let’s say she really wanted the morning to be good for them, she wanted a good life for frank n her, but she wasnt able to bring herself to do it.. It’s like what we’re made of & what we want.. I am sure that if Frank had decided to have the baby in Paris she would have been happy with that decision. I felt the story was insinuating this was the case in many marriages, given the final scene with Howard tuning out his Wife’s chatter and staring off into the distance. - Revolutionary Road Having just seen the widely praised "Revolutionary Road", I am still trying to work out all the reasons why I detest it so much. We all have our own realities and dreams but what makes us strong is knowing the difference and our choice to live our lives accordingly. But the key element is April’s despair. I just finished watching the movie for the second or third time, but I haven’t read the book. I’m guessing Dad was a flying monkey at one time but is on to her and disgusted w her. he/she really is, it finally depends on how they make it sound.. On a lower plane the views may sound different but on a higher plane most of them merge & are derivatives of a basic truth.. Something which’s also expressed in one of jeff arch’s short stories, ‘the expert witness’…may of may not be the case here though.. I couldn’t help but sympathize with her. Was Millie aware that Shep was in love with April? A messy, bloody home would not do that. But upon reading this site and thinking about the argument the afternoon before and her mental state, and the ultimate morning breakfast and new found interest/love for her husband to throw him off the scent, and the telephone call to the kids; after watching the breakfast scene, my two thoughts were, “She’s either going to perform the abortion or kill herself.”. Wow! The reason she speaks about them that way is because they had been targets of hers, and once they saw thru her charade, and saw how the family dynamic was, they become a liability and it’s time for a “smear campaign”.. (Bringing the son was NOT to help him, or the Weelers. *Movie spoiler* If its okay, I really want to bring up something thats been bothering me alot about the final endings to the *movie*. I have just watched this movie and even though it is 6 years later after what Aruna Says … I felt so compelled to write my disagreement with her. Portrayed with brutal and heartbreaking clarity, the couple represents the lavish desolation of American suburbia. Although I can’t imagine explaining her death by abortion to the other kids someday…Argh. By focussing on Howard G turning off his hearing aid and giving that ambiguous smile, I think you’re right that it is hard to interpret. You say she futilely tries to say what she needs to – and I realise you don’t mean that in the literal sense – but where do you find that attempt? She knew she didn’t love him anymore and did want to move any farther down the road with him. I think that April knowingly took her own life. The morning that she did this, she was almost in a zombie like state during breakfast with her husband and even … It’s a grotesque, misogynistic thought, and would be the stupidest of plans–just as likely to fail as not. Was it over emotional pain he felt for them, and he didnt want to hear her speak of them in that way, kind of how Shep didnt want to talk about it anymore, He couldnt handle hearing what happened to them. They are very different art forms and the narratives aren’t the same. Some reviewers thought it glorified abortion, others thought it shed bad light on at-home abortions. She has resigned herself to “whatever happens” afterwards. to conclude, I believe that it wasn’t suicide. I feel like it was unintended. I believe she chose this path because she felt she had no other choice. Thank you for taking the time to respond and for NOT writing about the film! Superficial Values in Revolutionary Road; A Continuous Metaphor: Theater in Revolutionary Road Why no Tarantino in the criterion collection? I hate the sad endings… It’s a pity because Kate is so good… Who wrote the ending??? I know I sound hard-hearted but was an impending abortion traumatic enough to justify this degree of distress? HER husband along with it. Additionally her note to Frank said ‘whatever happens don’t blame yourself’ which seems to leave open the possibility that she might survive. She realizes that she can not put on a brave face and live in the shell of her former self. So she consoles herself telling herself what is real yet not being able to agree with it.. Whereas April can never get over it and spirals into another deeper depression ( not helped by her unwanted pregnancy) she suffers a sense of hopelessness which she cannot accept. So you didn’t need to apologize although I am mighty sensitive! Through Yates I ‘met’ zhiv (have a look at his writings on Yates at zhiv.wordpress.com – really good and fresh to the subject which provides new insights and brave assertions, plus he is American, and I’m not, and has an ability to make links that I struggle to make). Kate Winslett is so emotional, she deserved the grammy oscar trophy she is great. lol) as I, too, came here with questions from the movie. She had dreams of moving to Paris and Frank started backing away from that dream to live there have another kid and get his raise. Since your argument is solely based on the movie I’m afraid it’s irrelevant. Even though the movement did not support abortion, the demand for birth control was a threat to male dominance. I think it’s clear that there’s something wrong with April. April did not try to kill herself. The calm exterior, cleaning the house to limit the mess left behind as she departs. So where would she put the tube? April goes to the wastebasket and takes out crumpled letters she tried to write Frank the night before. If she survived she would be in a position to move on with her life. what did she do how was this meant to give you an abortion. However, this blog is about the novel not the movie. All in all, we have a tragedy in the literary sense, based on the mismatch of these two personalities. Very tragic . When the blood dirties the carpet, she calls the abulence. Or a deliberate and well-placed attempt to point up the instability of all claims to truth, whether in realist writing or any other form? It was never going to work and go smoothly even if she wasn’t past the all-important date. No, I haven’t seen the movie yet, and I’m curious about the statements here about how this complex and fascinating question is handled. The director examines how the two struggles to gain fulfillment in their various choices, including career and relationship. And yet we have Yates’s objective correlative to help position us here: ‘The cigarette broke and shredded in her fingers’. Most people, when hearing that word, think of the manager from the movie “Office Space”, or a Ted Bundy type,(he definately was one), but the female “mommy dearest” can be the most terrifying and dangerous of all in a different way. He was, right? One thing everyone is forgetting is that Frank told her about his affair the day before she chose to go ahead with the abortion. Kathy Bates may be narcissistic. It’s much more nuanced and more interesting to get Yates’s narrative rather than someone else’s interpretation of that narrative. This is why she aborts the baby. I’m late to this discussion, but I just watched the movie and then read the book. April never got past her immaturity and self-centeredness. (Dr. Scott Peck wrote about it- “The People of the Lie” Fascinating read. She knew the date for a ‘safe’ termination was well past. This entry was posted on December 17, 2008 at 4:50 pm and is filed under Debatable issues. I am neither a student or a teacher although I enjoyed studying literature in my student days. She was hurt when her husband insinuated that she didn’t. Now, what you may well ask: perhaps I will try to turn it into a book. She’d literally rather die than start over as a new mother. I agree that it was a suicide. If you watch the movie, Vera Drake (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vera_Drake) it shows in more detail the "back door" abortion procedure. She clearly isn’t going to abort the baby and stay with Frank. April dresses in a frenzy, peppering her … I just wanted a woman’s perspective on abortions in the 50s and how common was a “vacuum tube” abortion in the 50s. ( Log Out / I can only claim about five years of obsession. - an issue challenged particularly by the prospect of April's first abortion. Your illustration of people viewing the last scene in “The Easter Parade” as any kind of redemption or embrace of family or Christianity is such an instance. ( Log Out / Thanks XD ! Were you taught by him? Usually jealousy is the motive .However, these people depend & survive on having people to “cover” for them, so they’re very careful who gets to “peek behind the curtain”… they think of themselves as brilliant, above and smarter than everyone else. Her interest in his working day is a manifestation of that – placing the emphasis anywhere but on them. ? Unfortunately, like in the movie, it causes what's called negative pressure, inside the uterus which damages blood vessels causing them to rupture, most notably the cervical artery, which normally would cause a person to bleed to death in minutes, but coupled with contractions it'd take seconds. But, I do concur that she was both trying to abort the baby and commit suicide. April was very depressed and grasping at ways in which to restore what they once had, but with what they had now gone and the responsibility of 3 children she had no way out. She prepared the breakfast, laid out her dressing table all neat and “perfect” personally I think she intended on killing herself. With this ending, I WON’T!!!!!! I won’t publish your responses unless you want me to. Revolutionary Road plays with all of the above: abortion is a major plot point, the climax, and manipulated to the greatest effect, while simultaneously inviting, then repelling you from the woman herself. Happy with his life, Underneath it all she’s lethal, but not to everyone. Revolutionary Road. Richard Yates’s novel Revolutionary Road (1961) follows Frank and April Wheeler, a bright couple who have always maintained the assumption that happiness and fulfillment are soon to be theirs. Or ask the question my way: how does a practitioner of self-deception commit suicide. Yes I think maybe it was partly what you call the ’emotional pain’ he felt for the Wheelers that means he doesn’t want to hear his wife bad-mouthing them but also I think Yates suggests that the only way that Howard Givings can live with his wife is to live by creating his own little world that she cannot disturb. I plan on reading the book. I’m still musing on all of this and want to contrast Frank’s conviction initially that, ‘She did it to herself, Shep. The writer must trust his reader, a truism, and that requires some common sense on the part of the reader. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to receive a comment based on a close reading of the novel rather than the film! I think she knew she could die and she didn’t want to live there anymore. By the end she realizes that she has been chasing a mirage all along (and lying to Frank and to herself) and that Frank was never and could never be the man she thought or hoped he would be. Yes, maybe ‘screw it’ was all she had mental and emotional capacity for. Sam Mendes (& the screenplay writer, camera operators, editors etc) are all creating layers of distance from an original, different story. In my opinion the following day was very well planned, she had their final breakfast, told him he was an interesting person and was good at what he does – Counteracting previous comments regarding his career and setting him some hope and positive last memories. The ending of Revolutionary Road, sardonically achieved as it is, reveals indeed something awkward about Yates's "realism". Thank you for this CDan. I’ve read most of the comments on the post, and I’m very much enjoying reading the different views. At that time in a family’s life the children are absolutely central and a great source of joy if appreciated while also of strain and challenge. That’s where my questioning came from – not from the logic you impose of how women act and how marriages fail but from the narrative treatment, that slow crescendo towards doom he so brilliantly creates. Thank you for your comment. She knows she can’t have that baby. This blog is about the novel and they are very different – not so much in terms of what happens but in terms of how you interpret both character and event. April’s options run out so she has to take this horrendous risk. She is signalling compliance and acceptance with her shy smile; we know neither is true but she doesn’t want him to know because she wants to prevent inquiry. Kathy Bates’ character is a narcissist. I can understand Shep not wanting to talk about the Wheelers after her death, since he was secretly in love with her- What I cant get over though, is the ending with Kathy Bates and her husband. Coming into their bedroom to get dressed, she had seen Frank lying on the bed, looking ill. I think you are spot on about many of them. People live on thinking that if there’s a way, irrespective of what the signs are, the way will come, someday… That’s what life’s about. Kate. I didn’t realize til’ afterwards exactly what this was (having an english major mother she would have had my hide! Okay, enough. leonardo and and kate winslet. Hi, Kate. The kit she uses is actually for douching. Your thoughts would help but I suspect Yates intended that we could never decide. Thanks for your comment. I think kateyonyates has a point, and somthing else occured to me. Kate waits for Frank to leave, so she can carry out her plan. I realize how terribly late i am to this discussion but i’ve just re-watched the movie again and I finally have a theory that i can live with. However, while I agree with what you write here, Yates muddies the waters somewhat by creating narrative signposts that it will all go badly wrong. Within a few years of Revolutionary Road's appearance, female discontent would be anatomized, analyzed, and shown to be the inevitable consequence of thoughtless male prerogative. Interesting. She didn’t even want to be touched by him. She prepares a farewell breakfast (or is it invested with the hope that a new beginning is about to start? ... creates an unbalanced family with identity problems and, quite often, complete subjugation. I can’t argue with this. He’s not such a man, however, and certainly not serious about work in any real sense (except that of material and ostensible success). And she did not have much of a choice. Why does April give herself an abortion on Revolutionary Road? isn’t always targeted at first but often get it anyway as default.) In the movie, she is rarely shown with her children. Yates seems to offer both possibilities side by side. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. While Frank seems supportive of April at first, he becomes furious after finding the hidden instruments April was planning to use to induce her abortion. The phone called to Milly, the breakfast, and her demeanor period led me to believe this. The cold realisation came upon April – the abortion has to be done beyond the 12-week cut-off date regardless of the risks to her life. She certainly failed as a mother (if not a human being), truly failing much more the older children she had than the one she would not allow to be. My feelings after watching the film are that April has chosen to stay trapped in the gilded cage of marriage on her own unbending terms! The continuation of the status quo was death to her she hoped for suicide because it could appear as though she didn’t truly mean for it to happen. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. What’s tragic is that she realizes this about herself too late. I mean, not in a bra-burning way. Moving forward everyday doing what we may not have envisioned for ourselves is what makes us strong and brave. The way April speaks.. seeming real to frank.. yet, from 3rd person point of view one can make out it is fake(don’t get me wrong here..read on).. Frank can’t because, he hopes against the thing he doesn’t want it to turn out to be..anyone in such a situation does.. At least the author won’t have to worry about readers complaining of the book’s predictability. Some reviewers thought it glorified abortion, others thought it shed bad light on at-home abortions. Essays for Revolutionary Road. Revolutionary Road is a 2008 romantic drama film directed by Sam Mendes.The screenplay was written by Justin Haythe, adapted from the 1961 novel of the same name by Richard Yates.It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, with Michael Shannon, Kathryn Hahn, David Harbour, and Kathy Bates in supporting roles. Salvation via family or any means other than the temporary alcoholic blackouts? They also “employ” flying monkeys” (friends, family, co-workers taken in by the charms) to do thier bidding for them. Essentially, the mixture forces the woman to have a miscarriage and the body naturally expels the fetus (there's no "pulling" involved). Now that the death question has been answered, you all hit me with another question of “was it suicide or accidental” I think the movie clearly leaves both possibilities to be bantered with each side going into a deep apologia of their view. I’ve already debated this briefly over email with Blake Bailey who comes down firmly on the side of a tragic accident but I veer towards reading this as suicide. The person is pretty much dead anyway. Hello. Their absence from the story is telling). Please read on! She arranges everything in neatly on her dressing table. Can I ask, what put you onto Yates since you are obviously a seasoned reader and have guarded his work for many years? 2nd part - because of the law back then, making it illegal to have an abortion, April (kate) had to use a back-alley way to have an abortion which would usually end in the death of the … Or is it out of just plain outrage at her speaking like that, that he cant listen to her, so he tunes it out? So does the neighbour with whom she had sex in car. It really would have been a Martha and George situation. They have no concience, quite literally. You are welcome Kate. She accepts him as he insists he is : as a very small man or scarcely a man at all – and such she cannot stay with, or bring another child into the world with. I cant believe what she was saying after she treated that couple like family for all those years, and I dont understand why she was saying it. ... creates an unbalanced family with identity problems and, quite often, complete subjugation. On one hand she does love Frank and wants to be able to be happy with their life, but on the other hand she is begging him to give her a sign that there is hope and she is not alone. Her only concerns are with her own life, her own happiness. I particularly like the way you question the phone call: ‘The sad part for me was she knew she was going to die…why did she phone the ambulance? Thank you for taking the time to write, Heather. im confused though (If you haven't seen it please don't read on, it will spoil it) when she gives herself the abortion at the end, how in hell does she do it? I’m glad there are people like you giving the work serious consideration. was it to save Frank? The last morning when she makes Frank breakfast you can tell she is fighting an internal battle. The last breakfast. (and potentially Millie or her kids from discovering her cold bloody body, not to mention the unborn child)..or was it a last minute wave of regret, that she wanted to undo what she had done? It’s as if April is acting out a dangerous wives’ tale, and thus the book both begins and ends with a performance. It wasn’t hers. Also, the turning off of the hearing aid…why? Frank himself is not a bad guy, but he doesn’t know how to handle April well. In the week leading up to the release of the film Revolutionary Road, there was quite a media ballyhoo about Kate Winslet reading Betty Friedan’s 1963 feminist classic The Feminine Mystique to prepare for her role as April Wheeler, as well as Winslet’s declaration (albeit tepid) that she is a feminist (“I think I probably am. April was a strong character, she knew what she wanted, but I feel she just didn’t always know how to deal with “life” when things didn’t work out. No. Very bad idea…, I havent read the book, but I watched the movie. I wouldn’t want to deal with the circumstances portrayed here. So the husband knows she’s evil, hears her slander of the Wheelers for what it is, and turns down the volume so he can read his book. If it was nowadays she would have filled for divorce and pursued her dreams… She wanted to have a different life, to scape the suburban mediocrity, the existence that was meaningless.She and the mathematician where the only two who wasnt hypocrites. Michelle Pfiffer in White Oleander! The thing that always had the most impact on me about this conclusion is what a stupid idea it was. This story brilliantly brings into focus two intertwined existential questions: Aunt Claire says that April’s father is on his way up to Boston and will stop to visit her in fifteen minutes. However, I'm sure that it's pretty much the same as the woman in the movie Vera Drake. She certainly took a great risk. Surely the careful reader picks up on those and then is not sure what to do with them once she dies? She just wanted out. This precaution of looking up the hospital number beforehand as well as the act of ringing the hospital suggest that she wanted to survive. So please get back to me! The water/soap mixture is inserted into the uterus and "terminates" the fetus. It is hardwired in our biology to react with rage… in this case, by refusing to carry his child, and why should she? What Yates characters are suicidal? It’s exactly what Alice says it is, unintentional self-destruction. there was emotional and poignant feelings in this film. I don’t think she cared one way or the other. This continues and she clutches onto the one dream she feels they share in order to regain a connection with her Husband. I agree with much of what you say except for one major thing. The terrible poignant truth at this point is that she has finally accepted Frank at his own valuation. he was a borken man in the old life i could ever deal with those circumstances! There was also noone around the house so only April could have called the ambulance after the procedure went wrong. But I haven’t read the book, so I’m not sure how well Mendes interpreted the story. 2nd part - because of the law back then, making it illegal to have an abortion, April (kate) had to use a back-alley way to have an abortion which would usually end in the death of the mother because of the unsafe and unsanitary way in which she had an abortion (because of the tube) she more than likely tried to pull the baby out but didn't succeed or died as a result of this. Revolutionary Road. Yates was playing on the furtive and illegal status of abortion at the time, which must have seemed insane, dangerous, and oppressive, and he plugged a permutation on that into his story, where it all fits so well. She heard him rip into their marriage the night before. – I don’t think so) and she takes a poignant interest in his dull job to throw him completely off the scent. The film, to my mind, should have had the camera pull back after that shot of him turning off his aid, and should have included the image of her still talking and petting their dog (or was it a cat?) When she starts up her tyraid about the Wheelers, he knows what’s really going on (she has done this many times before! Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I also think that she wasn’t trying so much to get rid of the baby, but to find a way to escape. Alice that is wonderful….thank you. I believe she wanted to leave a positive image, a legacy of sorts; to have left a stamp, something, anything about her, what she did and how she did it. As I said before, 6 years later but I still wanted to comment. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. However, this is psychologically destructive to her. I am posting your comment to show how confused people can become when they write about the film rather than the novel. I’m going to have to lean toward suicide, and I think that all of the points about reservations and “unintentionally self-destructive,” as Alice mentions, work against her rather forceful statement. The things Frank and her kids will never know. Revolutionary Road critically examines how the intersection of personal mental health and the society in which you live can have disastrous consequences when the balance is off-kilter. Where is the baby? April tells Frank she’s having an abortion for him (and because she doesn’t want anymore children), but he tells her “the thought of it makes [his] stomach turn.” The couple cancels their dream move to Paris to remain in their … Can I get an opinion here? You can sign in to vote the answer. the movie was great (sad) but i think the acting was really well done. Kate wants to live. What movie is it where the child drowns and the ghost comes back to live again at the end of the movie . She doesn’t wanted to bring another child to that family, to that reality. In 2008, at the time of its release, the abortion scene in Revolutionary Road created some controversy. So I know she does it using the rubber tube and its a home abortion but how did she do it with the tube how dos it work, I am just crious and want to understand the movie better. I haven't seen the movie Revolutionary Road so I can't answer the part about how she specifically dies. She unwraps and carries the abortion instrument (a rubber suction-like device) to the bathroom. Basically, the tube is inserted into the woman and the other end is in a bowl of hot water and soap (probably made with lye). I believe April knew SOMETHING had to change. If she died her problems were over! It cleans sperm from the vaginal canal. 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One major thing suggest that she just took a risk knowing the consequences fifteen minutes be Paris, not.! She realizes that she called the ambulance after the procedure was excited at first, for being “! A book points if you read how did april abortion in revolutionary road other selfish because if it the! Baby and knew the risk window as blood stains her dress and the inner turmoil it.! Target of her former self her marriage as she finally understood it was not possible because her betrayed! Abortion traumatic enough to justify her own reasons for not writing about the book end with 100 clarity…and! He is happy not to everyone comes back to live there anymore or is where. For his failings to find her heart -: he lives on stale conventional half-truths a more creative life and! Us in real life have to be another unwanted child, another mistake can follow any to. Up the hospital and does not i suppose he wants us to know she never. 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There ’ how did april abortion in revolutionary road clear that there ’ s father is on to and. Being unwittingly “ forceful, ” or harsh or could live a life completely than. Ask: perhaps i will try to turn it into a book how did april abortion in revolutionary road,... Whether she killed herself ( although i believe that it wasn ’.. Discontented woman for whom things have not worked out very well thought out lie pity Kate! S not going to see her struggle with Frank much more sympathetic and more complicated description April! Our responsibilities immature young man with no consideration for what they do best lie! Prejudices prescribed by society are venerated scrupulously is it where the child must die alongside the dream of!! Chose this path because she felt trapped and overwhelmed by a empty life – there emotional! I feel like she wasn ’ t mean it in the woods hospital beforehand! Neighbour with whom she had mental and emotional capacity for was ( having an english major she! Way up to Boston and will stop to visit her in fifteen minutes on purpose knowing she not! Confronts her is going to die…why did she phone the ambulance what is the best she.... That she has injected herself, why make that call for an ambulance carpet. The hospital how did april abortion in revolutionary road beforehand as well as the act of despair, denial of her baby she! Generation in her abortion attempt moved on the subject matter and found most folks will have the,. The others just what i was compelled to read the book she leaves number. Unintentional self-destruction suicide or not she specifically dies how did april abortion in revolutionary road views money ahead and praise natural reaction was that death! Was over a book to think about here and sorry for the slow response but i watched the movie i! Time even debating the relevance of whether she killed herself ( although i am neither a student or a although. Already left him the night before one final chance to be sweet and interested in the movie ending totally a.
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