• Basic anti-cruelty provisions apply to animals used for draught and recreational purposes through the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962. The Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 recognises all animals as sentient beings. However, section 9 prohibits the training of animals in a cruel manner ‘for the purposes of exhibition or not’. The Government of Kenya is therefore strongly encouraged to pass this legislation. See … It has been reported that 400 donkeys are being killed daily in Kenya. • However, the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 constitutes an example for other countries to follow as it bans all forms of recreational or sport hunting, which includes trophy hunting. Note: The UDAW is a proposed formal international acknowledgement of a set of principles giving animal welfare due recognition among governments and the international community. The Government of Kenya is therefore strongly encouraged to enact legislation mandating humane killing methods for hunting and prohibit the cruellest hunting methods. We rehome around 45-50 dogs and 20 cats every month. However, these committees have not yet been gazetted since their submission to the National Commission for Science, Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), which was established under the Science, Technology and Innovation Act (STI) 2013 (revised 2014). The Kenyan parliament passed the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act (2012) which was a revised version of the earlier law passed in 1983. Animal Welfare Field Inspector Jobs vacancy kenya 2019 Career Employment Kenya: Animal Welfare Field Inspector Jobs vacancy kenya 2019 Job Description: Today Work Kenya The Kenya Society for the Protection and Care of Animals’ (KSPCA) mandate is to promote, foster and advocate for humane treatment of all Animals in all situations. The 1988 Pigs Industry Act establishes that butchers need to be licenced to be allowed to slaughter pigs (section 11) or to establish a bacon factory (section 12). • The Government of Kenya is urgently encouraged to implement long-term solutions to human-wildlife conflicts, rather than mandating the destruction or injury of the problem animal. The proposed Animal Protection Bill prescribes stiffer penalties. This Act provides for the humane handling of stray dogs (section 5(2)). Breach of the anti-cruelty provisions in section 3 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962 is punishable with a fine and/or imprisonment of up to six months. See All Campaigns 1898 – 1985 Eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore. An anaesthetic must be used (section 15), unless to do so would frustrate the purpose of the experiment, in which case a special permit is needed (section 18). Advertisement In 2019, the Control of Stray Dogs Act replaced the Rabies Act, yet this new law still authorises the euthanasia of stray animals considered dangerous, or whose owners are unknown or are unwilling to remove the animal. The Government of Kenya is strongly encouraged to implement a comprehensive ban for all animals to perform publicly, whether trained or untrained. There is no evidence of a restriction on the creation of private zoos, such as the requirement of a permit to hold wild animals in captivity, other than protected animals or game animals. In order to protect the welfare of animals, spaying and neutering can only be done by Veterinary Surgeons who are registered and authorised to practice by the Kenya Veterinary Board. Section 8 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962 includes requirements for the humane slaughter of animals for human consumption. If passed, the Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 will establish the creation of a County Animal Welfare Unit in each County Government. This means that the welfare of individual animals can be considered, as well as the conservation value of entire species populations. It is a criminal offence to excessively use whips or goads, or training appliances that apply heat or electric shocks to the animal.Section 10 prohibits specified public performances involving animals. Such a definition encompasses the criteria of the Five Freedoms. • The Government of Kenya is encouraged to urgently amend the Rabies Act to prohibit the use of culling and poison as bait to destroy ill or suspected ill animals. Any person convicted of an offence under section 6 (using a trap that causes unnecessary suffering) shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 500 shillings. If passed, the Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 would ban this practice. The permitted use of poison under the Rabies Act 1967 is inhumane and preventing healthy animals from ingesting such poisons is challenging, therefore indiscriminate poisoning is likely to occur. Happy New Year to you all from the Naivasha KSPCA! This would therefore save the number of animals used for experimentation. This Strategy replies on sustained mass dog vaccinations, pre and post-exposure prophylaxis and public education until the country is completely free of human dog-mediated rabies. However, the scope of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962 is limited, since it only applies to vertebrates. The draft National Livestock Policy as of 2019 also defines animal welfare in the same way and refers to the Five Freedoms. Notably, this Bill explicitly recognises all animals – not only vertebrates – as sentient beings. You may unsubscribe from any email you receive from us. All persons performing an animal experiment shall be licensed and facilities using animals for experiments shall be inspected annually. Section 7 refers specifically to captive animals that are set free for the purpose of hunting or coursing. The document acknowledges that intensive livestock production system is practiced in dairy cattle, poultry, pigs, rabbits and non-conventional livestock, such as crocodiles, and underlines that some key concerns relate to animal welfare issues and environmental challenges arising from manure and effluent disposal. Current Kenyan legislation would also benefit from outlining species-specific welfare standards with regards to farm animals and wild animals in captivity. Section 3(4) allows for the coursing and hunting of animals. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962 sets out penalties for breaches, including fines and imprisonment. The responsibilities of relevant government bodies are set out in legislation. Section 19 of the Bill also specifies the requirements for adequate accommodation for animals, which shall allow the animal to stand, turn around, stretch, sit or lie down; engage in natural behaviour; interact with compatible animals. Instead of being euthanised, dogs should be rehomed. However, the government did not provide funding, and animal welfare organisations were not able to provide sufficient funds, so that it was not able to take off. The current lack of requirements for protocol review by an animal ethics committee presents an obstacle to the improvement of animal welfare. • The Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 includes a definition of animal welfare, which corresponds to the Five Freedoms. It was an informal revival of the Task Force of 2012, led by the Department of Veterinary Services and with support from animal welfare organisations, to enable it to drive the process of creating the Bill. This legislation establishes that each county shall have a County Wildlife Conservation and Compensation Committee, in charge of distributing wildlife user rights. Acknowledgement of the specific welfare issues faced by animals in captivity is necessary to enable the welfare of this category of animals to become a mainstream concern of society. These child welfare programmes are designed to address many of the issues that orphaned and street children face in Kenya, including lack of stable housing, lack of nutrition, and lack of emotional support. This includes whether there is allocation of responsibility, accountability and resources within government to protect animals. • Furthermore, the culling of wildlife is only authorised under the recommendation of the Kenya Wildlife Service, once other wildlife management methods have been exhausted. Moreover, section 10 appears limited since it only prohibits fighting with and throwing ropes at ‘untrained’ animals, while section 3(4) also exempts the training of animals from any welfare considerations. The country would therefore benefit from introducing legislation that prohibits the slaughter of animals who are not stunned. The 2017 Regulations focus on implementing the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species and focus on species populations, rather than individual animals. Through this, they can lead in bringing about improvements in animal welfare as well as helping to change attitudes towards animals. Animals are not formally defined as ‘sentient’ in the legislation, however, current Kenyan legislation recognises aspects of sentience. Moreover, the numerous exemptions to what is considered cruel acts signify that animals can be trained for public entertainment, raced, hunted and slaughtered without any considerations paid to their welfare. Since the API was first published in 2014, an Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 was drafted. However, the latter Act is lacking in animal welfare provisions regarding killing methods and actively encourages the use of poison. Moreover, various policies have been implemented and acknowledge animal sentience. In Chapter 5 Part 2 (Environment and Natural Resources), the constitution obligates the state to protect biodiversity. The national Government is responsible for the protection of wild animals in conservation areas, while County Governments are mandated to overseeing the welfare of domestic animals including livestock and pets. • In its Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, Kenya has provisions prohibiting the slaughtering of animal in a cruel manner, or in front of other animals about to be slaughtered. The massive animal is usually hunted for trophy and game meat. We rely on the help of volunteers, voluntary fundraising and donations to carry out our important work, so your support in invaluable to us! Under section 13 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962, a person, other than a licensee, who performs an experiment, is guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding 3,000 shillings or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both. The Government of Kenya is strongly encouraged to promote humane dog population management, which relies on promoting responsible ownership, mass dog vaccinations and reproduction control programmes. The Government has expressed full formal support for the UDAW, thus helping to incorporate animal welfare into policy discussions. However, section 3(4) provides that nothing in the chapter applies to the coursing or hunting of any captive animal, subject to section 7 (which provides that it is an offence for animals that are liberated for the purpose of hunting or coursing to be liberated in an exhausted or injured state, or to be liberated in a place exposing them to immediate attack by another animal). Each committee will work with community wildlife association to develop mechanisms to mitigate human-wildlife conflicts. Section 14 lays out that any person who uses any animal for purposes of entertainment in public or in an exhibition or show shall handle and care for the animal in a manner that not cause pain, injury, anxiety or distress to the animal. In addition, Kenya enacted in 1965 its Animal Diseases Act, amended in 2012. • The Government of Kenya is strongly encouraged to keep engaging with local NGOs to promote the welfare of working animals. However, there is no explicit prohibition about the private keeping of wild animals. The Animal Welfare Act 2006makes owners and keepers responsible for ensuring that the welfare needs of their animals are met. The Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 establishes, in section 6, the creation of County Animal Welfare Units for each county government. Postal Address: The Fourth Schedule of Kenya’s Constitution explains the roles of the two levels of government in promoting animal welfare. partnering to combat wildlife crime in Kenya and Uganda Read more. Donkey owner, Stephen Kimiri, loading his cart with water The Government is invited to confirm whether such guidance and codes have been produced. Nigeria (ranked ‘E’) does not have a dedicated law on animal welfare, although within the Nigeria Criminal Code, animal cruelty is prohibited. • The Animal Welfare Strategy for Africa talks about the need for Africa-centric narratives about animal welfare. 10614, the members of the Task Force were to serve for a period of one year with effect from the date of appointment. Part IV of the Wildlife (Conservation and Management) Act 1976 outlines controls of hunting. Mon – Sat 0900hrs -1700hrs, As this report is being written, there is an Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 that is waiting for the approval of Parliament. Currently, there are no readily available funds for animals since there are more human problems at hand. On 7th -9th June 2017, we had the opportunity to create awareness on Animal Welfare at the annual “Fearless Leadership Summit,” organized by the Mavuno Church, Nairobi. Appointment of such an ethics committee by the government is recommended in order to scrutinise justification for the experiments proposed by licence-holders. Animal welfare should be promoted for the sake of animals rather than being solely addressed through the lens of animal-based production. Animal laws in Kenya at national level (anti-cruelty, protection and welfare). Select your new companion on our Facebook page! • The Government of Kenya should forbid the current culling practices. This goal assesses whether animal sentience has been recognised in legislation and explores the core legislative protections granted to animals, such as the prohibition of animal cruelty. With the hot summer months and the soaring temperatures, all…. There are several programmes in the country run by NGOs in association with local authorities to promote the welfare of working animals. No legislation directly relating to the private keeping of wild animal has been found. The Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) is charged with conserving and managing Kenya’s wildlife under the Wildlife (Conservation and Management) Act 1976 as well as the renewed 2013 Act. – William Lawrence Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, … Home Read More » Our primary social welfare programmes work with disadvantaged children across Kenya to provide them with the security, love, and education that they need in order to thrive and grow into adults. The Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 specifies that any person using a working animal for ‘sports, transport, security or any other purpose’ shall ‘handle and care for the animal in a manner that does not compromise the welfare of the animal or cause the animal to suffer pain, injury, distress, anxiety, discomfort or exhaustion’ (section 14(2)). Since the API was first published, the Government of Kenya has endorsed UDAW, through a letter of support from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries signed on 29th August 2016. The Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 formally recognises animal sentience in the law. A new Task Force was constituted and generated the Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019. Helping working animals in Kenya. Therefore, the approval and enactment of this Bill is strongly encouraged. The existing legislation has the potential to be effective to raise awareness of animal welfare across the majority of categories included in the OIE animal welfare guiding principles; however, as outlined in previous indicators, promotion and implementation of the legislation by governmental bodies is lacking. However, since no legislation has been found on the private keeping of wild animals or on animals used in fur farming, there are no enforcement mechanisms associated to these categories of animals. There is currently a lack of detailed provisions related to modern farming production systems that are used in Kenya, including broiler, hens, and cattle farming. Saving Animals Since 75 Years Join Hands And Be A Hero Participate in our animal-saving mission and help us continue creating a better tomorrow for our rescues. The Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019 contains stricter legal requirements. More species-specific legislation could be enacted. Companion animals are covered by the cruelty offences outlined in Section 3(1) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962, and owners who allow acts of cruelty to their animals are guilty of cruelty offences. Our successes in Gambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Liberia as well as Malawi and Kenya show that we are on the right path: Animal welfare plays an increasingly bigger role and people – students, practicing veterinarians and lastly animal owners – show more and more interest in ensuring long-term animal welfare conditions. According to Gazette Notice no. The VSVP Act Section 38(0) makes it an offense which can attract a fine of up to US$1,000 or jail term of up to 12 months or both for veterinarians and veterinary para-professionals who contravene this section of the law relating to the registration for veterinary surgeons. ‘snakes’) and may thus encompass endangered species. This Act introduces measures that may or shall be taken by public bodies and holders of animals for the control of diseases affecting animals i.e. The protection of companion animals under this Act is subject to the operation of the Rabies Act 1967, which permits authorised personnel within a rabies control area to ‘shoot or otherwise destroy’ any stray cat or dog found in a public place, or which is suspected of being infected with rabies. Since the API was first published in 2014, Kenya has enacted temporary a ban on the importation of live poultry, birds, captive wild birds, carcasses, meat, meat products, bone meal, feathers and other poultry products from Uganda as a precautionary measure against the risk of introduction and spread of notifiable fowl plague or avian influenza. Animal welfare is also a core component of the Veterinary Surgeons and Veterinary Para-professionals Act 2011, which allows for the creation of further regulations regarding animal welfare (section 45(n)). Our partner is the only charitable animal welfare organization in Kenya that deals for the most part with domestic animals. These Veterinarians are thus bound by the VSVP Act Code of ethics that requires them to protect animals from suffering. Section 4 of the Act prohibits causing, promoting or assisting the fighting or baiting of an animal. Secondly, the Act does not foresee any long-term solutions to human-wildlife conflicts, but solely mandates to kill or injure animals. Each unit comprises one representative of an animal welfare non-governmental organisation and one person ‘with interest in the welfare of animals’. • The Government of Kenya has allocated resources to animal welfare through the Department of Veterinary Services, in charge of animal welfare. Legislation regulating the use of animals for entertainment is minimal. The Government of Kenya is thus strongly encouraged to enact a law that would ban any animal experiment which would be conducted on an animal without anaesthesia and would outlaw captures of wild animals bound to be used in research. Find out about animal laws worldwide in the GAL Legislation Database. A 2017 report from the NGO, The Donkey Sanctuary, illustrates that donkeys’ skins are turned into a gelatine, that is then used for traditional medicine in South East Asia. Kenya’s Constitution on Animal Rights and Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Kenya’s constitution which was promulgated in 2010 covers animal rights, both domestic and wild animals. Therefore, the Government of Kenya is strongly encouraged to enact legislation with specific welfare requirements – such as housing and husbandry – for animals kept in various captive settings. It is envisaged that whereas this approach ensures widespread acceptance of the concept of animal welfare, it will indirectly recognise animal sentience, from the premises that sentience is the capacity of animals to experience emotional and physical pain, which in turn affect the animals’ abilities to perform as anticipated by the animal owner. • Building upon the current Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, which recognises that animals can suffer, the Government of Kenya is encouraged to publicly recognise animals as sentient beings and to enshrine animal sentience in the law. This country's score has stayed the same since 2014. Animal welfare organizations are concerned with the health, safety and psychological wellness of individual animals. The same should be extended to all other animal scientists. Section 20 of the Bill also lays out that all animals kept for the purpose of food for human consumption shall be cared for in a manner that guarantees their welfare. By comparison, the 1976 Conservation and Management Act introduced welfare provisions through the prohibition of causing or permitting suffering during hunting activities. Despite the 2014-2030 Kenyan strategy on rabies elimination, the culling of stray animals was authorised under the Rabies Act 1967. Humane killing methods are not mandated in the legislation, and the use of poison is allowed in the case of an outbreak or suspected outbreak of rabies (section 7(1)), although authorities are advised in section 7(2) to take precautions to prevent injuries to persons and animals other than diseased animals or those suspected of being disease when laying poisons. Disaster Response for Animals Eco Clubs of Kenya is a Community Based Organisation (CBO) working to promote environmental protection and animal welfare. Section 45 makes it an offence to export any live protected or game animal without an export permit, or through anywhere other than a customs port of entry. The document is helpful to governments to manage dogs humanely as well as to help communities to live in harmony with dogs. Breach of the prohibition on hunting a released animal in section 7 of that Act is punishable with a fine and/or imprisonment of up to three months. Remarkably, the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 forbids recreational hunting, which includes trophy hunting (Eighth Schedule, 10). This goal examines government commitment to animal protection. Since the API was first published in 2014, there does not appear to have been any change to the Kenyan legislation with regards to animal sentience. The tenth Schedule of the Wildlife Conservation and Management Act 2013 lists the species of wild animals who can be farmed. It is positive for animal welfare that animal baiting, fighting and certain performances are forbidden. Guidance and codes of practice are envisaged by the Act, enabling the relevant institutions to incorporate animal welfare policies into practice. This lack of formal installation in part explained, unfortunately, why the Task Force did not attract government funds, beyond the fact that the public servants staffed in the Task Force are paid by the government. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Transport of Animals) Regulations 1984 contain requirements on the humane transport of animals, including provisions on safe unloading and loading, overcrowding, vehicle construction and care during transport. Cruelty offences outlined in section 3 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962 are applicable to animals in captivity. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Transport of Animals) Regulations 1984 can also be applied to the transport of captive animals and includes provisions on care during transport. You can make a difference in the life of a homeless pet, Membership dues help KSPCA protect and care for the animals. Education for Africa Animal Welfare (EAAW), an African non-governmental organization which aim to sustain animal’s welfare in Africa, through awareness creation by using media outlets, so that to sensitize community to show compassion, care, appreciation, promote one health and one welfare and unites other animal dealing stakeholders in the Country and East Africa zone by one voice speak. All animals used for food shall be stunned with a gun, an electric means or other prescribed ‘humane means’ (section 21(2)). Africa Network for Animal Welfare [ANAW] ANAW is accredited to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as a major group and to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as an advisor with consultative status. Persons performing experiments are required to comply with the anti-cruelty provisions of section 3 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962 except where to do so would frustrate the purpose of the experiment (section 3(4)(f)). Lions are the bravest animals the world over. Kenya’s Constitution, promulgated in 2010, acknowledges that the state is obligated to protect biodiversity in Chapter 5, Part 2 ‘Environment and Natural Resources’ Section 69. Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962, a breach of the anti-cruelty provisions and the prohibition on fighting or baiting animals is punishable with a fine and/or imprisonment of up to six months (sections 3 and 4, Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962). The 2013 Act repealed the earlier 1976 version of the Act and does not mention any humane hunting method. However, there are no detailed welfare standards for different categories of farm animals. Section 8 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act makes it an offence to slaughter animals in a cruel manner, including causing unnecessary suffering or slaughtering animals in sight of other animals. This ban is part of the Animal Diseases Act. However, there is no prohibition of the use of animals for entertainment purposes.The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act could include legislation specific to the treatment of draught animals. In the Animal Welfare and Protection Bill 2019, any person who does not respect the criteria of humane slaughter shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifty thousand shillings or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months or both (section 21(8)). Section 9 of the Act prohibits the infliction of pain or terror during training of animals for exhibition. Furthermore, the detailed list of duties incumbent to animal owners reflect that attention is paid both to the physical and the mental wellbeing of animals. The Kenya Welfare Service is allocated financial resources for discharging its various responsibilities associated with the management and conservation of wildlife, including enforcement activities under the Wildlife (Conservation and Management) Act 1976. Part III (sections 13-23) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1962 restricts the use of animals in research and education. It is not specified whether the animal shall be killed humanely. We rely on the help of volunteers, voluntary fundraising and donations to carry out our important work, so your support in invaluable to us! 9. In April 2015, the Kenya Veterinary Policy was published and it states that animal welfare ‘manifests in physical and psychological wellbeing, better performance, improved market access, safe and mutually beneficial companionship’. If passed, the Animal Welfare and Protection would ensure permanent representation of animal welfare organisations in each of the County Units responsible for enforcing animal welfare. Resulting in painful, lingering deaths and should not be exposed to public. Legislation has partially implemented OIE ’ s commitment to working with the International to... 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