The correct unit is kg, which is short for kilograms. It comes in a 20 kilo bag. The Greek letter µ (mu) is often used to show the prefix micro, especially in scientific publications. kilogram | kg [abbreviation] | kilos [plural] a unit of mass equal to 1000 grams, or 2.2 pounds (11 of 19 words, pronunciation) dictionary .cambridge .org /dictionary /british /kilogram Abbreviation: kg-m See more. For example, µg would be the same as mcg, and µl would be microliter. versus i.e. I understand this is common in some languages, such as Spanish, but it is not used in English. It’s used as a United States customary unit and as part of the imperial system, as opposed to the metric system, which meas… kilo m (genitive singular kila, nominative plural kilá, genitive plural kíl, declension pattern of mesto) kilo, short for kilogram; Declension I am only familiar with the abbreviation of kilogram as kilo, and this is indeed pluralized as kilos. EDIT: as pointed out in the question’s comments, meg(s) and gig(s) are the common used spoken abbreviations for megabyte(s) and gigabyte(s). Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 42°24'54" N. would mean 42 degrees, 24 minutes, 54 seconds north. The plural of an abbreviation or acronym is shown by adding s to the end. A value of 47nF would be "point oh four seven mike". Correct common abbreviations (besides "kilo" for "kilogram") are "meg" for "megabytes" and "gig" for "gigabytes". do not end with 's' in plural. He weighs 100 pounds. You don’t add an s to SI units to pluralize them because it stands for seconds. I've never seen "mega" or "nano" used as an abbreviation for any measurement. kilogram (kg): The kilogram (abbreviation, kg) is the Standard International ( SI ) System of Units unit of mass. I buy 20 kilos of cement. The kilogram is defined in terms of three fundamental physical constants: The speed of light c, a specific atomic transition frequency Δν Cs, and the Planck constant h.The formal definition is: . Bagaimana mengkonversi pon ke kilogram? The questions is restricted to the abbreviations, not the metric symbols. The symbol ’kg’ does not have a plural form. Looking for nanos and megas in the Corpus of Contemporary American English I found that. These terms have largely been superseded by nanometer and picometer, abbreviated nm and pm respectively. Looking for the abbreviation of KiloGram? Kilogram as kilo, megabyte as mega and nanosecond as nano. When an abbreviation is used, whether metric (kg) or imperial (lb) , the singular is more frequently used and the of is usually included. for a dollar"), but it is not necessary. 1 lbs * 0.45359237 kg = 0.45359237 kg: 1 lbs: Mengkonversi 1 lbs untuk massa umum. 'Kilo-' is a prefix indicating 1000 of the base unit; it is commonly used as the shortened form of 'kilogram', the plural of which is kilograms. A pound (usually abbreviated as lb, plural lbs) is a unit used to measure the mass of something. When you expand the symbol out to its original name (kg==>kilogram, N==>newton), you have every right to use the rules of English grammar to convert it into its plural form. Find. After a numeric value, include a space and then the abbreviation. Sydney is a thousand Ks away from Melbourne. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Find out what is the most common shorthand of KILOGRAMS on! Pon ke Kilogram. Here’s what I found … What prevents a single senator from passing a bill they want with a 1-0 vote? Acronyms are generally formed from the first letters of a longer phrase. All units and prefixes should be spelled as shown in this guide. If you spell out the number, spell out the unit of measurement. I checked also for uses of gigas for gigabytes but all the gigas in COCA are species names, where it presumably means “very large”: Strombus gigas (a sea snail), Crassostrea gigas (an oyster), Angelica gigas (a flowering plant). The first comments and answers here brought to my attention that 'mega' and 'nano' are not really common abbreviations. The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. The unit symbol shall remain unaltered in the plural and is not followed by a full stop except for normal punctuation, e.g. Learner's definition of KILOGRAM [count]: a unit of weight equal to 1,000 grams — abbreviation kg. “kgs” would be kilogram seconds, which is not a unit commonly encountered in measurement. Birth weight was recorded in pounds and ounces and converted into kilograms. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. I need 2 pounds of sugar. Metric names are sometimes abbreviated, e.g. The plural of gram is grams. If you spell out the number, spell out the unit of measurement. In Australia, the abbreviation for kilometre tends to be 'k'. Because the metric (SI) system uses symbols, not abbreviations, the symbol kg is not followed by a period and does not take an s in the plural. A pound is a unit of measurement. A pound measures the weight of something. It was supposed to be just warehouses and megas, not living space, so they didn't attach it to the Port dome very well and now the Curve pulls away from the Port dome a little more every year, and a little more gas and garbage falls into the Curve but nobody seems to give a damn. The double hatch mark " can stand for inch or geographical second (a second of longitude or latitude). In science fiction, references to something like. The gym offers weights up to 150 lbs. Feb 25, 2014. When by itself, µ stands for micron. What is the origin of the terms used for 5e plate-based armors? The single hatch mark ' can stand for foot or a geographical minute (a minute of longitude or latitude). There is no need to add an s to an abbreviation to show a plural. I'm sure I've heard them already, but it's possible that it was always from non-native speakers like me. 2. I've seen "kilos" used for kilograms, but that's all. These are: 1. g 2. gm A gram is a unit of mass. we need 50K fully-assembled units by next July). Other abbreviations of measurements are limited to lists, charts, technical writing, and informal writing. The prefix nano means "billionth," and is usually represented by the letter n, as in ns for nanosecond. Include any comments and questions you have about this word. Add an apostrophe and s to form the plural of abbreviations containing more than one period: c.o.d.’s; G.M.’s; Use an apostrophe and s to form the plural of numerical names of aircraft ending in a single letter: 727-100C’s 747B’s Cessna 402B’s Irregular plurals. So, in conclusion, don’t use mega as an abbreviation for megabyte. Since the metric system uses standard prefixes, you can easily figure out most other metric abbreviations; for example, cl would be centiliter. To abbreviate most square and cubic units in the metric system, add the exponent ² for square and the For international standards including abbreviations for very tiny and very large units, see Biblical significance of the gifts given to Jesus. From common use, it can be used with or without an 's'. Satuan Massa; Mikrogram: 453592370.0 µg: Miligram: 453592.37 mg: Gram: 453.59237 g: Ons: 16.0 oz: Pon: For modern (metric) weights (gram, gramme, kilo, kilogram and tonne), all use a plural after a non-unity number, and also use of. If I install a mod in Minecraft Java edition, will it erase existing worlds? Abbreviations for most units of measurements use small letters and periods. In standard scientific notation, the word per is represented by a virgule. The kilogram, symbol kg, is the SI unit of mass. rational points of a hyperelliptic curve of genus 3, Company is saying that they will give me offer letter within few days of joining, How to request help on a project without throwing my co-worker "under the bus". probably because it makes more sense for the abbreviated form to be CCAE, although that is admittedly much less catchy than COCA. Non-metric units with "per" (such as "miles per hour") usually do not take periods, either. The plural form of kilogram is kilograms . We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. How do I straighten my bent metal cupboard frame? Likewise "meg" and "gig", are terms for roughly one million, and one billion bytes, respectively, as opposed to those quantities of everything else. micros has a use independent of its prefix, as the word micro has an alternative meaning; perhaps this clash prevents the use. It only takes a minute to sign up. Temperature abbreviations use capitals because they come from proper nouns. 1. a unit for measuring weight in the metric system, containing 1000 grams. Why NASA will not release all the aerospace technology into public domain for free? Do I really need it for fan products? Filter by: Sort by:Popularity Alphabetically Category. kg definition: 1. written abbreviation for kilogram 2. written abbreviation for kilogram 3. abbreviation for…. We bought a kg of chicken for the barbecue. kilo- is perhaps the most commonly encountered so the plural kilos is in common use, whereas the others are not so much. @nohat: Actually, the reason is more "botanic". The utilization of acronyms as plurals is not always understood or implemented consistently by writers. exponent ³ for cubic. Add an s to form the plural of an abbreviation (SSN s, ATM s).Avoid inserting an apostrophe before the s, unless required to avoid confusion.Abbreviations already ending in an S sound are pluralized by adding s or es (RDS s or RDS es).. Abbreviated SI units do not have a separate plural form (10 cm, not 10 cms).Abbreviated social titles such as Mr. and Mrs. have nonstandard plurals. The prefix ‘kilo’ (symbol ‘k’) must not be used alone it must be used with a unit. Use instead MB as the abbreviation for megabyte. One does a 5 K run. By the way, it is also not permissible to use abbreviations such as … Is there another way to say "man-in-the-middle" attack in reference to technical security breach that is not gendered? How do you pluralize abbreviations of metric names (e.g. For example, m² means square meter, and mm³ means cubic millimeter. Draw a line 5 mills long. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Abbreviation for gram is g, and abbreviation for kilo- prefix is k, so kilogram abbreviation is kg. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. There is a 5 mill gap. megas is used in fiction (It was supposed to be just warehouses and megas, not living space, so they didn't attach it to the Port dome […]. Looking for the abbreviation of KILOGRAMS? The way these things develop so rarely make any sense though, don't they? The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. 2. Monetary amounts: 'thousands' prefix has opposite capitalisation to SI, How to properly write multiple abbreviations. at the end of a sentence. Note: Country KG abbreviation meaning defined here. The smaller units do not seem to have spawned the same usage. A long time ago gr or grainswas a common unit of mass, though this is now obsolete in modern times. So 5'6" would mean five feet, six inches. In standard formal English, they are spelled out. For example: 700 g. To bake the birthday cake, you’ll … In standard formal English, they are spelled out. How to pronounce abbreviations by prefix part? This term has recently been superseded by micrometer or µm. I haven't seen 'mega' as the abbreviation, but I've heard MB pronounced as both 'meg' and 'megs'. Find out what is the most common shorthand of KiloGram on! Here’s what I found in the Corpus of Contemporary American English: All the incidences of nanos were references to one of the following: So, nano(s) is not a commonly-used abbreviated form for nanosecond (or nanometer). The term "K" (pronounced "k") generally refers to 1,024 bytes, but may sometimes be used to refer to $1,000, or it may be used with a discrete item to indicate quantity (e.g. are. All of these words are prefixes for engineering notation, a form of scientific notation used to represent numbers to the most significant magnitude group of ten to the power of a multiple of three - all derived from appropriate greek words. #2. It could well mean kilosecond or pretty much a thousand of anything. Hope my explanation helped! bash, files, rename files, switch positions. How to insert a dot under a letter in microsoft word in mac? The International System of Unitsrecognizes g as the only abbreviation. @Bruno: Can you cite an example where these abbreviations (other than kilo) are used? When are Roman Numeral suffixes appropriate for number abbreviations? Some users still prefer the word micron so it is not confused with the measuring device which is also known as a micrometer, though when pronounced, the accent is on the second syllable. Kilogram-meter definition, a meter-kilogram-second unit of work or energy, equal to the work done by a force of one kilogram when its point of application moves through a distance of one meter in the direction of the force; approximately 7.2 foot-pounds. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. So km/h is kilometers per hour. I see we were looking at the same thing at the same time ;-), I learned from you to look for a word in the. The international standard is to leave metric unit symbols untouched for plural: 12 … "Mill" (or "mil") can also be used as an abbreviation for millilitre, but in any event it is only used in spoken English, since in writing it is always quicker and clearer to use "mm" or "ml". rev 2020.12.18.38240, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, English Language & Usage Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Here's the word you're looking for. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Theoretically all the plurals are valid for derivation in the long term, it just takes time for the words to be accepted in the mainstream. Another common abreviation is mill, short for millimetre. I've often heard the value of a 4.7μF capacitor pronounced "four point seven mike", and 22pF pronounced "22pF". I would suggest that the term "kilo" is a unit of mass equal to 1kg. acre. kg n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Moreover, they are probably incorrect. Also, the plural abbreviation of liter is understood by the same abbreviation, without adding an “s”, ... Liter is defined as a metric unit of capacity, formerly defined as the volume of 1 kilogram of water under standard conditions, now equal to 1,000 cubic centimeters (about 1.75 pints). ), and magazines and newspapers; in the last case, the sentences make reference to the last name of a person (Mr. Megas). site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Do not use an apostrophe before the s unless the apostrophe significantly helps the readers. Well to be honest kilo for kilogram technically makes just as much sense as nano for nanosecond. plural kilograms. Q: … In fact a leading American Dictionary (Merriam-Webster) accepts the word ‘in k orrect’ exists! Comments & Questions. Abbreviations for metric units, including temperatures (Kelvin or Celsius), do not end with periods. or Capital gains tax when proceeds were immediately used for another investment, How to respond to a possible supervisor asking for a CV I don't have. Gram Noun There are two ways to abbreviate the word gram. I have heard nanos used in science fiction to refer to nanoscopic robots, otherwise it has not been adapted yet. nanos is used more in fiction, and in the newspapers; in the last case, in all the cases they are referring to the iPod Nano. How come there are so few TNOs the Voyager probes and New Horizons can visit? The few exceptions that use capital letters are noted below. The written abbreviation is kg. Comments & Questions. mµ means millimicron, and µµ means micromicron (a millionth of a micron). For example, CD is easier to say than compact disc. Arguably, mill (and K) are more slang than an abbreviation. I for one have never seen "nano" and "mega" written. Nano is informally used as a noun, to mean nanotechnology. The word ‘in k orrect’ In April 1993 Merriam–Webster Inc. (the major company that produces dictionaries), made the first citation in its files to indicate that the word ‘in k … (as kilo is here an abbreviation of kilograms). NIST guides use American spelling. What is the plural possessive of university? As for megas, the only examples in COCA were three uses as a name, and one use in science fiction: So after the Port dome went up they built this lean-to partial dome that tilts up against the Port dome like a crescent cupping a bigger arc: the Curve. Temperature abbreviations are used in all types of writing. What made you want to look up kilogram? Exemplos: el televisor, un piso. Along the lines of 'click' meaning kilometres. As the New Oxford American Dictionary reports, kilo is a noun used as abbreviation of kilogram and, rarely, of kilometer. Temperature abbreviations are used in all types of writing. Thanks for contributing an answer to English Language & Usage Stack Exchange! It is used in the imperial system and the United States customary system.There are a number of different definitions. Other abbreviations of measurements are limited to lists, charts, technical writing, and informal writing. It’s unclear from even this much context what a mega is, but I’m pretty sure it’s not a megabyte. I am only familiar with the abbreviation of kilogram as kilo, and this is indeed pluralized as kilos. The same is not true for mega, which is not used as noun. Perhaps that would help in answering the question. "Micron" is used as an abbreviation of "micrometre". This page has examples of plurals of abbreviations and an interactive exercise worksheet. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. It's not an abbreviation, it's a mathematical symbol, according to the body that defines metric units. This is sometimes done in advertising ("3 lbs. Both with and without the 's' seems to be common. “kilo”)? I have heard mega and megas from foreigners but they strike me as ungrammatical, as does nano from nanosecond (why not for nanometer?). Is it correct to add an "s" as suffix to the plural form of abbreviations? Each sack of cement weighs 25 kg (not 25 kgs). Find more words! This is equal to 0.453 592 37 kilograms, and is divided into 16 avoirdupois ounces. 3. Why would people invest in very-long-term commercial space exploration projects? written, invariable, abbreviation (kilogram) (abreviatura: kilogramo) kg nm nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural. Anda dapat menggunakan pengonversi satuan untuk melakukan konversi dari satu ukuran ke ukuran lain. kilogram: plural: kilograms: DEFINITIONS 1. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and our Terms of Service. Abbreviations General guidelines and observations Periods Plural Degrees Doctor (Dr.) e.g. For example: 1. The unit symbol kg and the prefix kilo are in lower case, even when the rest of the text is in upper case, as in a newspaper headline. I have heard mega and megas from foreigners but they strike me as ungrammatical, as does nano from nanosecond (why not for nanometer?). The plurals of Mr. and Mrs. are irregular: Mr., Messrs. Mrs., Mmes. Measures of mass or weight of types of tons are usually capitalized when abbreviated. Learn more. If you use this notation, use it consistently: Use cm³ rather than cc for cubic centimeter. The most commonly used definitions band today is the international avoirdupois pound. The top 10 most common collocates for kilo are: cocaine, hundred, per, five, heroin, fifty, weighed, pounds, ten, and half. An acronym is an abbreviation used as a word, such as the words laser, radar, and DVD. For example: kilogram when converted to its plural form would become kilograms, and newton when converted to its plural form would become newtons. It's clear to me that symbols like km (for kilometers), s (for seconds), etc. As the other prefixes are encountered more, they are coming in to use, megs, gigs, teras - these large numbers coming in via space storage in computing making them mainstream. it is not acceptable to use the plural of unit symbols. Definition of kg_1 abbreviation in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Take your weight in kilograms and divide it by your height in metres squared. Examples: meter, liter, and deka, NOT metre, litre, and deca. Months and days Titles before personal names General guidelines and observations Always write the term in full at first mention, with the abbreviation following in … Should the word "component" be singular or plural in the name for PCA? Although it is derived from "kilogram", it should be regarded as a unit of mass rather than as a term for a thousand of something. However, kilo for kilogram is perfectly idiomatic, although in American English, the things most often measured in kilos are cocaine and heroin. Synonyms and related words +-Units for measuring weight, area or volume. Definition. Where can I find the copyright owner of the anime? Not be used with a unit of mass or weight of types of tons are usually capitalized when abbreviated and! Cupboard frame to mean nanotechnology there another way to say `` man-in-the-middle '' attack reference. 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