Negligence is the breach of a duty caused by the omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided by those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs would do, or doing something which a prudent and reasonable man would not do. But in the year 1870, an amendment was made in IPC which inserted a new provision Section 304A. Probably, of all the epithets that can be applied ‘reckless’ most nearly covers the case.”. Another important element which goes to make the offence is that the act of the accused must be found to be the immediate cause of the death, that is to say, the act and the death must be ‘causa causans’. It carves out a specific offence where death is caused by doing a rash or negligent act and that act does not amount to culpable homicide under Section 299 or murder in Section 300 IPC. There could be many ways of partaking in criminal negligence. In the case of powerful Companies, the plaintiffs, The Supreme Court argued in favour of the doctors stating that the plaintiff must prove that the medical professionals acted “in disregard of the life and safety of the patient.”, The Session Judge convicted the accused of the death of a 10-year-old girl. This was a case where a man who practised as an accoucheur, owing to a mistake in his observation of the actual symptoms, inflicted on a patient terrible injuries from which she died. A professional is a all in all expert specialized in the respective field. In 1870,  Act 27 of the Indian Penal Code added Section 304 a and b as an amendment. Introduction. We may in this connection refer to Experor V. Omkar Rampratap, 4 Bom LR 679, where Sir Lawrence Jenkins had to interpret S. 304-A and observed as follows: “To impose criminal liability under Section 304-A, Indian Penal Code, it is necessary that the death should have been the direct result of a rash and negligent act of the accused, and that act must be the proximate and efficient cause without the intervention of another’s negligence. The Supreme Court made the following observations:-. … Jacob Mathew v State of Punjab and Anr. 138A. Then the question whether the conduct of the accused amounted to culpable rashness or negligence depends on the amount of care and circumspection which a prudent and reasonable man would consider it to be sufficient and this depends on the circumstances in each case.”, The Supreme Court has explained in details as to when criminal liability would be attracted in cases of medical negligence. Negligence is an offense under tort, IPC, Indian Contracts Act, Consumer Protection Act and many more. Here, the applicant only needs to prove that an act took place that was wanting in due care and caution, and the victim consequently suffered damage. CIVIL LIABILITYA doctor can be held liable for negligence in a civil case. It is directed against the offences outside the range of Sections 299 and 300, IPC and covers those cases where death has been caused without ‘intention’ or ‘knowledge’. If a person wilfully drives a motor vehicle into the midst of a crowd and thereby causes death to some person, it will not be a case of mere rash and negligent driving and the act will amount to culpable homicide. Example the punishment for criminal negligence amounting to death under section 304A … The intention to cause death or the knowledge that death will probably be caused, is essential and is that to which the law principally looks. Though the term ‘negligence’ has not been defined in the Code, it may be stated that negligence is the omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided upon those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs would do, or doing something which a reasonable and prudent man would not do. The consequence flows from a state of mind which is blank or devoid of any advertence, and the liability for such consequence is to be judged from the standpoint of reasonable foreseeability and the failure to exercise the care which such foreseeability necessarily implies. The essence of criminal liability under Section 304-A IPC is culpable rashness or negligence and not any rashness or negligence. The distinction is often an intricate matter and depends on the particular time, place and circumstances. There are lots of examples of negligence that can lead to a civil lawsuit. Civil law & Consumer Protection Act in case of Medical Negligence. Tel dispose l'article 1382 du Code civil. – The immediate cause; the last link in the chain of causation.”. This would be a civil liability of the doctor under the law tort and/or contract. If it is merely a case of compensation or reparation for injury or damage caused to a person or property, it is clearly not punishable under either of the sections. Section 299 deals with any act or bodily injury caused by any person with the intention of causing death. That they “breached that du… was gross and culpable neglect of failure to exercise that reasonable and proper care and to take precautions to guard against injury either to the public generally or to an individual in particular, which, having regard to all the circumstances attending the charge, it was the imperative duty of the accused person to have adopted. Stated differently, Part-II comes into play when death is caused by doing an act with the knowledge that it is likely to cause death and when such act is the infliction of a bodily injury, the infliction must not be intentional. The following article is going to discuss Section 304 (a) under IPC in detail. M.L.PANDIA The Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Section 304(a) uses the words “rash or negligent act” as the deciding elements to charge any person under this section Therefore it is important to understand these terms and its various connotations. The court has to take into account that if one decides to drive under influence, they are aware of the consequences of their decision. Section 304-A was inserted in the Code in 1870 by the Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Act, 1870. This provision is directed at offences outside the range of Sections 299 and 300 IPC. On the other hand, the state is responsible for bringing any criminal charges related to an automobile crash if they are warranted. A medical practitioner is liable for negligence if he/she deviates from “the standard treatment” recommended for taking care of his/her patient causing death or injury of the patient. We know that a sane man does not usually commit certain acts heedlessly or unintentionally and generally we have no difficulty in inferring from his conduct what was his real intention upon any given occasion”. Under Civil law, a case for Medical Negligence may be initiated under Consumer Protection Act or by means of filing a suit in a civil court against a private medical institution or a practitioner who are not providing medical care free of charges. This aspect is also adverted to in paragraph 1374 of Halsbury’s Laws of England, 3rd Edn. " Tout fait quelconque de l'homme, qui cause à autrui un dommage oblige celui par la faute duquel il est arrivé, à le réparer". In fact, Negligence is an offense under IPC and a tort. I am currently pursuing a diploma in paralegal practice. On the other hand, the state is responsible for bringing any criminal charges related to an automobile crash if they are warranted. In other words, a rash act is primarily an over hasty act as opposed to a deliberate act but done without due care and caution. The expression “rash or negligent act” as occurring in Section 304-A IPC has to be read … They can be ascertained only from external and visible acts. of Delhi Landmark Judgment by the Supreme Court. A plain reading of the above Section makes it clear that it is in two parts. The concept as has been acceptable to Indian jurisprudential thought is well stated in the Law of Torts, Ratanlal & Dhirajlal (24th Edn., 2002, edited by Justice G.P. In this context the following passage from Kenny’s Outlines of Criminal Law, 19th Edition (1966) at page 38 may be usefully noted : “Yet a man may bring about an event without having adverted to it at all, he may not have foreseen that his actions would have this consequence and it will come to him as a surprise. While on this aspect, it is also instructive to refer to two English cases. On September 2, 2011, the Bombay High Court gave a reasoned and detailed order in the civil suit against Dr Desai, awarding compensation to the patient’s relatives in regard to the tort of medical negligence and breach of contract committed by the doctor. On the contrary, a rash act is the culmination of overhasty decisions and recklessness on the part of the defendant. This supplies an omission providing for the offence of manslaughter by negligence which was originally included in Draft Code, but omitted from the Code when it was finally enacted in 1860. Negligence is an offense under tort, IPC, Indian Contracts Act, Consumer Protection Act and many more. Therefore, the relationship between the act and the death or injury resulted by it, vis-i vis the plaintiff between a negligent act and a rash act. On the contrary, a rash act is, Medical negligence is a breach of duty on the part of the defendant who has a legal as well as a moral duty to look after his/her patient. This distinction is lucidly explained in Jacob’s Case, as can be seen from the following paragraphs: The term “negligence” is used for the purpose of fastening the defendant with liability under the civil law and, at times, under the criminal law. The duty of care is owed only to those persons who are in the area of foreseeable danger, the fact that the act of the defendant violated his duty of care to a third person does not enable the plaintiff who is also injured by the same act to claim unless he is also within the area of foreseeable danger. So, to this extent, even if one ascribes to ‘reckless’ only the restricted meaning adopted by the Court of Appeal in Stephenson and Briggs, of foreseeing that a particular kind of harm might happen and yet going on to take the risk of it, it involves a test that would be described in part as ‘objective’ in current legal jargon. The following observations of the Supreme Court are worth taking note of. A professional is deemed to be an expert in that field at least; a patient getting treated … It was observed that :- “Nevertheless, to decide whether someone has been ‘reckless’, whether harmful consequences of a particular kind will result from his act, as distinguished from his actually intending such harmful consequences to follow, does call for some consideration of how the mind of the ordinary prudent individual would have reacted to a similar situation. It was observed by Lord Diplock that “the reasonable man” was comparatively late arrival in the laws of provocation. The legal concepts of negligence and recklessness are found in both criminal and civil law. In matters of corporate negligence, a Company is liable under Section 304(a) if it takes any action that injures their consumers, creates an unsafe environment for its employees or cheats their shareholders. A person who intentionally causes the bodily injury with knowledge that such act is likely to cause death must necessarily be a person who does an act with the intent to cause bodily injury likely to result in death. Négligence criminelle Responsabilité pénale pour imprudence: Notices thématiques en relation (8 ressources dans Termes plus larges (3) Culpabilité (droit) Faute (droit) Infractions contre la personne. In criminal negligence cases, the punishment is much more serious and can be convicted for a prison term, fine and probation supervision. Only if a person has acted in a morally culpable fashion can this question be answered positively, at least as far as non strict liability offenses are concerned. At that time negligence was nowhere defined in IPC but fall outside the offenses ranging from Section 299 and 300 of IPC. After pointing out that in a civil case once negligence was proved, the degree of negligence was irrelevant, Lord Ellenborough, the Lord Chief Justice, said. They can only be charged in either of the two conditions. In case of criminal negligence, you can file a criminal case under IPC Section 304A. Their Lordships have opined that there is a marked difference as to the effect of evidence viz. Wearing garb or carrying token used by soldier, sailor or airman. Sec 304 A IPC, deals with medical negligence. Section 304-A applies only to such acts which are rash and negligent and are directly the cause of death of another person. In Halsbury’s Laws of England, 3rd Edn. The degree of negligence must be much higher, i.e., gross one of a very high degree in criminal negligence. The burden of proof lies with the doctor to prove that they behaved in a reasonable way only in the interest of the patient. Under the civil law, victims of negligence can get relief in the form of compensation from a civil court or the consumer forum. [The above discussion on relevancy of Section 304 IPC quoted from a decision of Gujarat High Court in the case of Girishbhai Maganlal Pandya Vs. State of Gujarat (Criminal Misc. Questioning the correctness of the charges framed, the revision petition was filed. As pointed out by Lord Atkin, simple lack of care such as will constitute civil liability, is not enough; for liability under the criminal law a very high degree of negligence is required to be proved. 138. The High Court rejected the plea of the appellant. A train hit the bus at the railway crossing. Criminal negligence is the gross and culpable neglect or failure to exercise that reasonable and proper care and precaution to guard against injury either to the public generally or to an individual in particular, which, having regard to all the circumstances out of which the charge has arisen, it was the imperative duty of the accused person to have adopted”. “It may be asked how can the existence of the requisite intention or knowledge be proved, seeing that these are internal and invisible acts of the mind? He reiterated his opinion in R. v. Caldwell and dealt with the concept of recklessness as constituting mens rea in criminal law. Some sections related to the medical negligence laws in India are Section 52, Section 80, Section 81, Section 83, Section 90, Section 91, Section 92, Section 304-A, Section 337, Section 338 of IPC. This is because in civil law two questions are at issue: Was the defendant negligent? (In this connection the gravity of the possible harmful consequences would be an important factor. Negligence which is neither gross nor of a higher degree may provide a ground for action in civil law but cannot form the basis for prosecution. Any rash or negligent act whereby death of any person is caused becomes punishable. Negligence can make somebody liable for civil damages in a lawsuit, but most negligent acts don’t warrant jail time in the US. Dr. Suresh Gupta v/s Govt of N.C.T. A medical practitioner is liable for negligence if he/she deviates from “the standard treatment” recommended for taking care of his/her patient causing death or injury of the patient. For purposes of the criminal law there are degrees of negligence, and a very high degree of negligence is required to be proved before the felony is established.”, Lord Atkin observed that the most appropriate epithet which can be applied to such cases is “reckless”. There must be mens rea…….. IPC Section 120B. Negligence in order to render a person guilty of manslaughter must be more than a matter of compensation between subjects; it must show such disregard for the life and safety of others as to amount to a crime against the State. Termes plus précis (1) Omission (droit pénal) Termes reliés (4) Hommes politiques -- Responsabilité pénale. The courts have taken into consideration that what act of a doctor should be held as civil liability and what shall extend to the criminal liability. The distinction is often an intricate matter and depends on the particular time, place and circumstances. Two elements either of which or both of which may be proved to establish the guilt of an accused are rashness/negligence, a person may cause death by a rash or negligent act which may have nothing to do with driving at all. Mere negligence cannot be construed to mean rashness. The law sets parameters but also keeps spaces open for interpretation because each case has a different context. Where there is a duty to exercise care, reasonable care must be taken to avoid acts or omissions which can be reasonably foreseen to be likely to cause physical injury to persons or property. The definition involves three constituents of negligence: (1) A legal duty to exercise due care on the part of the party complained of towards the party complaining the former’s conduct within the scope of the duty; (3) consequential damage. India’s criminal system follows the Indian Penal Code in matters of dealing with crime. As observed by Sir Lawrence Jenkins, the act causing the deaths “must be the cause causans; it is not enough that it may have been the causa sine qua non”. It is contended on behalf of the respondents that in both the jurisdictions, negligence is negligence, and jurisprudentially no distinction can be drawn between negligence under civil law and negligence under criminal law. The act of “Negligence” is open to interpretation based on the actions of the defendant in each case. But it should now be recognised that at common law there is no criminal liability for harm thus caused by inadvertence……………..The truth may be that he did not foresee the consequences as a reasonable man would have done, and that he was negligent in the true sense of the word, and therefore civilly, although not criminally, liable.”. The criminality lies in running the risk or doing such an act with recklessness and indifference to the consequences. It applies only to such acts which are rash and negligent and are directly the cause of death of another person. It is no doubt true that the Supreme Court was dealing with an issue whether the role of the appellant as a doctor in that case amounted to a rash or a negligent act as to endanger the life of the patient. From the point of view of civil law it may be appropriate to impose liability irrespective of moral blameworthiness. Firstly, the Act being mentioned above should be causa causans,i.e, the primary cause of death and not merely causa sine qua non,i.e, an indirect act. Every civil negligence is not criminal negligence, and for civil negligence to become criminal it should be of such a nature that it could be termed as gross negligence. The charge of criminally negligent driving requires the driver to be solely or entirely responsible for the accident because of their negligence or rashness. What may be negligence in civil law may not necessarily be negligence in criminal law. A medical practitioner, In claims of negligence, it is extremely important to prove that there, . The degree of care required in the particular case depends on the accompanying circumstances, and may vary according to the amount of the risk to be encountered and to the magnitude of the prospective injury.”. “Negligence”, says the Restatement of the law of Torts published by the American Law Institute (1934) Vol. It must be pointed out that rashness and negligence are not the same things. IPC Chapter 5A - Criminal Conspiracy 2 IPC Section 120A. A professional is a all in all expert specialized in the respective field. The charges were framed in relation to the offence punishable under Section 302 IPC and alternatively, under Sections 304, 325 and 323 of the Penal Code. The provision relates to offences outside the range of Sections 299 and 300 IPC. To fasten liability in criminal law, the degree of negligence has to be higher than that of negligence enough to fasten liability for damages in civil law. It might give them some closure or at the very least compensate them if there has been a breach of duty that led to irreversible damage or loss of life/property. The apex court relied on Jacob’s case (6) , in which it was held that the degree of liability for negligence in criminal law has to be higher than that in civil law. There was insufficient evidence of the girl coming out of nowhere and also the fact that the driver was driving on the wrong side. It was held that “where negligence is an essential ingredient of the offence, the negligence to be established by the prosecution must be culpable or gross and not the negligence merely based upon an error of judgment. The submission so made cannot be countenanced inasmuch as it is based upon a total departure from the established terrain of thought running ever since the beginning of the emergence of the concept of negligence up to the modern times. Here the question is: Does the accused deserve to be punished for the outcome caused by his negligence? 28, paragraph 1, it is stated : ”Negligence is a specific tort and in any given circumstances is the failure to exercise that care with which the circumstances demand. The legal concepts of negligence and recklessness are found in both criminal and civil law. Professional Negligence Is the absence of reasonable care and skill, or willful negligence of a doctor in the treatment of a patient, which may result in injury or death. The difference between the two is what marks off a civil from a criminal liability. This is for the reason the law of tort is ultimately not concerned with the moral culpability of the defendant, even if the language of fault is used in determining the standard of care. After completion of the investigation, charge- sheet was filed. Section 304 of IPC deals with the provision of culpable homicide not amounting to murder. A negligent act could be civil or criminal depending on the gravity and the nature of the crime along with the degree of intention or lack thereof in a particular case. Thus, a clear distinction exists between “simple lack of care” incurring civil liability and “very high degree of negligence” which is required in criminal cases. In the accident, the bus which was being driven by the appellant was badly damaged and as a result of the accident, several passengers got injured and two persons died. Intention criminelle. The words “not amounting to culpable homicide” in the provision are significant and clearly convey that the section seeks to embrace those cases where there is neither intention to cause death, nor knowledge that the act done will in all probability result into death. Definition of criminal conspiracy. The accused who was driving a car only with a learner’s licence without a trainer by his side, had injured a person. It presupposes that if thought was given to the matter by the doer before the act was done, it would have been apparent to him that there was a real risk of its having the relevant harmful consequences; but, granted this, recklessness covers a whole range of states of mind from failing to give any thought at all to whether or not there is any risk of those harmful consequences, to recognizing the existence of the risk and nevertheless deciding to ignore it. Medical Negligence under Section 304A of IPC. They cannot be reprimanded for not using an alternative method that might or might not have brought the desired result. It may consist in omitting to do something which ought to be done or in doing something which ought to be done either in a different manner or not at all. 2 du Code pénal envisage la faute d'imprudence : « lorsque la loi le prévoit, il y a délit en cas d'imprudence, de négligence ou de mise en danger délibérée de la personne d'autrui ».. It follows from the above that as far as the sphere of criminal liability is concerned, as mens rea is not abandoned, the subjective state of mind of the accused lingers a critical consideration. Mere carelessness is not enough. Negligence and rashness to be punishable in terms of Section 304-A must be attributable to a state of mind wherein the criminality arises because of no error in judgment but of a deliberation in the mind risking the crime as well as the life of the person who may lose his life as a result of the crime. 140. This view has been generally followed by High Courts in India and is in our opinion the right view to take of the meaning of S.304-A. These are clearly reckless. If so, should the defendant bear the loss in this particular set of circumstances? If the patient has suffered because of negligent act/ omission of the doctor, it undoubtedly gives right to the patient to sue the doctor for damages. Then the question would be whether an offence under Sec. It was included by an amendment passed in 1870. The court also has to take into account the degree of damage done by undertaking that reckless decision. The relevant portion of Section 304 of the IPC reads as under:-, “Whoever commits culpable homicide not amounting to murder shall be punished with, … and shall also be liable to fine, if the act by which the death is caused is done with the intention of causing death, or of causing such bodily injury as is likely to cause death; or with, …… if the act is done with the knowledge that it is likely to cause death, but without any intention to cause death or to cause such bodily injury as is likely to cause death.”. Lord Diplock spoke in a Bench of five and the other Law Lords agreed with him. In such a case, the Court allows the defendant to make bail by paying a surety amount along with a bail bond at the police station. For an act to amount to criminal negligence, the degree of negligence should be much higher i.e., gross or of a very high degree. It is equally misleading to speak of criminal negligence since this is merely to use an expression in order to explain itself.”. Some of the crimes that come under corporate negligence cases are: In claims of negligence, it is extremely important to prove that there was indeed a breach of duty. As to what is meant by causa causans, has been explained by the Supreme Court in the case of Sushil Ansal v. State through Central Bureau of Investigation, (2014)6 SCC 173, as under : “As to what is meant by causa causans we may gainfully refer to Black’s Law Dictionary (Fifth Edition) which defines that expression as under: “Causa causans. The essence of criminal liability under Section 304-A IPC is culpable rashness or negligence and not any rashness or negligence. It may consist in omitting to do something which ought to be done or in doing something which ought to be done, either in a different manner or not at all. “Recklessness on the part of the doer of an act does presuppose that there is something in the circumstances that would have drawn the attention of an ordinary prudent individual to the possibility that his act was capable of causing the kind of serious harmful consequences that the section which creates the offence was intended to prevent, and that the risk of those harmful consequences occurring was not so slight that an ordinary prudent individual would feel justified in treating them as negligible. The line between civil and criminal negligence is thin. Section 304A was inserted by the Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Act, 1870 (Act XXVII of 1870) and reads thus: 304A. Attention was also drawn by Lord Atkin to a passage in a considered judgment of Lord Hewart, Lord Chief Justice the passage to which attention was drawn was this: “In a criminal Court, on the contrary, the amount and degree of negligence are the determining questions. Negligence is both civil as well as criminal wrong. It applies to acts which are rash or negligent and are directly the cause of death of another person. It was held that by itself was no sufficient to warrant a conviction under section 304A. Where negligence is an essential ingredient of the offence, the negligence to be established by the prosecution must be culpable or gross and not the negligence merely based upon an error of judgment.”. The difference between the two is what marks off a civil from a criminal liability. The framework of the Indian Penal Code governs crime with justice and punishment. In fact, Negligence is an offense under IPC and a tort. During a civil claim, it is the plaintiff’s duty to prove that the defendant was negligent in some manner that caused or contributed to the plaintiff’s injuries. Section 304A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 states that: ‘Causing death by negligence.—Whoever causes the death of any person by doing any rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both.” The Section applies only to such acts which are rash or negligent and are directly the cause of death of another person. Medical Negligence basically is the misconduct by a medical practitioner or doctor by not providing enough care resulting in breach of their duties and … Accept Read More, Section 304 a – Death by Negligence : Law and Legality, India’s criminal system follows the Indian Penal Code in matters of dealing with crime. That which stands next in causation to the effect, not necessarily in time or space but in causal relation. Simple lack of care such as will constitute civil liability is not enough. Negligence is both civil as well as criminal wrong. This is called civil liability or civil negligence. 2. Negligence and rashness are essential elements under Section 304-A. Cases under the CPA . Awareness of public, patients and the press Visual media. The cause of the fire was not merely the presence of the burners within the room in which varnish and turpentine were stored, though this circumstance was indirectly responsible for the fire which broke out, but was also due to the overflowing of froth out of the barrels. Section 304-A was added to the IPC by the Amendment Act, of 1870. (6) The word “gross” has not been used in Section 304-A IPC, yet it is settled that in criminal law negligence or recklessness, to be so held, must be of such a high degree as to be “gross”. Mere act of driving a vehicle mindful of the fact that the same needed some immediate repairs would not be a criminal act. Kenny further points out that for criminal liability for negligence, there must be something more than such blameworthy inadvertence. — Whoever causes the death of any person by doing any rash or negligent act not amounting to culpable homicide, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both. The 5th Edition of Black ’ s Laws of provocation but the degree of damage done by that! Under Indian Contracts act, of all the epithets that can lead to a civil matter between private parties (. Simply asking whether the test is subjective or objective. ” been noted with approval Section 28 is... His opinion in R. v. Caldwell and dealt with the doctor under the sections the two is what marks a! Down authoritatively for manslaughter again and again S.304-A. ” en droit romain necessary refer! 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