Leslie McDevitt, CDBC, CPDT-KA is the author of the internationally popular Control Unleashed series of books and DVDs. The new concepts and techniques will support you in teaching your dog life skills and coping skills so that he is comfortable in the world. An amazing pup is not an accident. These popular games from Control Unleashed allow dogs to initiate a predictable, reliable behavior chain that helps ‘normalize’ challenging environments so they can focus confidently on their work. Joyful Dog’s Attention Games Flyer: Download our flyer on games for building attention. In her third book, Control Unleashed: Reactive to Relaxed, Leslie McDevitt discusses her exciting new additions to the Control Unleashed training program, as well as new perspectives and revisions of the foundation behaviors and core games. My pup is amazing because of these games! This game is really simple. I wasn’t a trainer when I started Control Unleashed. The dogs and I love Leslie McDevitt’s Pattern Games.I’ve mentioned them before in a couple of posts.The games are great to help your dog focus on you and not worry about the environment. I am forever grateful that Control Unleashed gave me these games/skills to work with my reactive dogs. Leslie McDevitt. Ken Ramirez and Leslie McDevitt, with the help of Mr. Miyagi and Ever, demonstrate a variety of pattern games that can help anxious, distracted, or reactive dogs build confidence and focus. This is the "Pumpkin, Vampire, Zombie. ... Pattern Games Lab. World-renowned Leslie McDevitt will share with you how to quickly and effectively help your dog feel and function better using the Pattern Games from her most recent book Control Unleashed: Reactive to Relaxed. The pup is carefully planned and trained. The patterns are easy and quickly effective. This DVD will introduce you to Pattern Games, a simple set of exercises that provides a predictable and secure structure for dogs in order to help them normalize potential "triggers" in their environment. 01747 840564 [email protected]. Experience Level: All. Have some treats in your pocket or treat pouch, but don’t lure your dog around with the treats. 1-2-3 walking is one of the Pattern Games developed by Leslie McDevitt. Leslie McDevitt’s Pattern Games: Leslie McDevitt has put out a DVD with some simple and effective games for strengthening connections with our dogs, particularly for dogs with challenges. Pumpkin, Vampire, Zombie: Leslie’s Bio and Sessions. In this webinar you will learn many variations of Pattern Games and the different contexts in which you can use them. Just count out loud, “One, two, three.” Right when you say “three”, give your pup a treat. The pattern games are game changers. She describes 6 specific games that are very rhythmic in nature and, therefore, predictable. Pattern Games is a wonderful, 1.5 hour long DVD put together by Leslie McDevitt to present a series of "Pattern Games" that are helpful for dogs that are shy, fearful, reactive, worried, and/or aggressive.

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