DkySEmoxVMvLvlKDXvqunXuqec4ZtGk+upd6g81pHOy3MiwpIzh1meIQqx7MGVqUagVZPZ/llHat 92 18 0 obj 0fTfqt0qhFk9aeSgCldlkkda0c1NKmu+KsnxVCx/8dW4/wCMEH/E5sVdJ/x1bf8A4wT/APE4cVee 254 .� HDdojR8XkFJCUFT8BJqqqJ1v/nHqTWvKOqeXb/zF6v1wadHp101ny+pw6XzSJURpzVnikKsysu5Y endobj PinFK3JVUf4mA5blakKql952X9+lz+bUkHr28LQBND9P0Z4r6CJ5ozw5MruphaJy32zWoFAq9M/L RsMNjI4iY3UUx/3XJNcLWnUK3Pg3+xJxVEfoy2/nn/6SJ/8AmvFXfoy2/nn/AOkif/mvFXfoy2/n ta2P/A/9f8Vd+kv+1rY/8D/1/wAVRELX8yCSG8tpIz0dIWYbe4mxVf6eq/8ALRB/yIf/AKrYq709 46tv/wAYJ/8AicOKtaUAdJswdwYI6j/YDFWI+Y/Kf5NeXdCup9Y0jRtE0u4jks7i5WCGzJS6T05I 0 HelveticaNeue.dfont HelveticaNeue-Bold 4P8AzET/AMXxVotPaspllM8DsqFnCh1ZzxX7AUFSSB9mo8adFULY/HDpMLbx/VhMV8WjWMLX2HqV Myriad 9P0kildpE9WitI1W40KgMCqhE/MbzBLNMI/MnkwRJKpot3PJKtuZndmKcl5N9S4ulPhZqmvChxVx 001.001 243 001.001 Pure Red /Resources 22 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> 28 1.5 What are the major schools of thought in psychology? 0SgYmiKIZb5Z85aLr+l2t5BMkFzcKRNp0rqLiCZGMc0EiVqHikRkb3GPELpmMEzHi4Tw99bfNM9W AMvQ9/qs1uOcOqTNDbzQepe1JQlljF2OYLP8XKnRQCqif+VfyLbzWVv+XamzlgMMlo+tiSNJDqKz 249 For example, “If I get anxious, I will try some calm 100.000000 tCabd+2artLVY8gAjuQ5+iwTgbPVhenaLZX+p6vYyeVbDVL4WNwkottXEN36F1I8iQTwes7xi59T Yn05lp6ht4y1OtPc1VRDflD+XTTtcNo6mdlkX1PWuOQ9YyGQqfU+EuZ3LEbmuKony9+Wnkny7fC+ Helvetica Neue CZJkPGocetWEAUYcGc7EAKvRMVQsf/HVuP8AjBB/xObFXSf8dW3/AOME/wDxOHFWFQ/nL+W2nTw6 xyr3/jBL/wAQOKoTS/3SWTn7NzZwxg9g8QLAf7ISH/gcVSrSTp+jeb9fsfVgtbfUEtdWSI+nETPM stream 5.000000 NZeMsCuUd1J5MjKQj0U8VxVlei+Zbi/1Owhg8/zvqMyWcc8E2jskc3KRHLBD+7t2mWGSLc/CX7nh 255 lc/8t8//AAMH/VLFXfUrn/lvn/4GD/qlirg89syieT1oHYIspADqzGi8+NFILGlQBTbY7nFUJpf7 BQf9VcVd9buzstjKGPQu0QX6Sru1PkpxVVtoDErljyllbnKw2BagXYdgFUAf1xVq4gZykkZCzxEl 9V/5aIP+RD/9VsVd6eq/8tEH/Ih/+q2Ku9PVf+WiD/kQ/wD1WxV3p6r/AMtEH/Ih/wDqtirvT1X/ s4zBHDOJi0jMzlF6LGVRfjNaVO+5VTzTf+lV/wAwLf8AMjFXat5o0XSyyXVyqzKATCDV6HoeI3oa x4oi7szH9lf89up2xVRpqr/Fygg/yCrzH58uUX3U+nFXenqv/LRB/wAiH/6rYq709V/5aIP+RD/9 8 0 obj 0 Black 7Tf+YqD/AJOLir6w/NpWuvzA1aPRSY9QijX9IzpKIleI28QEPgzkg/59NbqQZTqH1Ab/AKn0H2ez 255 vqBtU+qqHV3ApLK7OJJBy+EtQADFWb2ZEVtpdy+0QthC7fymRYypPtWOn0jFWK+efJ1/f6rHd6dE stream HMyhZxUChH7Xvt9Obvs/XRhAxmeXJ1es0spSuLtH/K+JeMmqTcz3hjqF+Vep/DHP2ueUAuLs4fxF x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� 15 0 obj PROCESS SWymaM+6AmnyYbHFWIav+aFzpfmu60KXyh5gvLaBBJDrNhZNcWclIPXdedU+IfYULy5Nt1xVRv8A /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAgEASABIAAD/7QAsUGhvdG9zaG9wIDMuMAA4QklNA+0AAAAAABAASAAAAAEA PROCESS Fuschia 20u2u4ry6VFuZVaBJCZxGWQPIP7wKSAenQYqx3zF5h806b5kvzp/mnQY7SaS2t7XS9blWE28lY/U 19 0 obj AQACAwQFBgcICQoLEAACAQMDAgQCBgcDBAIGAnMBAgMRBAAFIRIxQVEGE2EicYEUMpGhBxWxQiPB aHpviqK/S2lf8tsH/I1P64q79LaV/wAtsH/I1P64q79LaV/y2wf8jU/rirv0tpX/AC2wf8jU/rir 31 0 obj VpEilKrBPZyfsnkabH4Qyqaz+dVjTVVsvzInaa1mq9udHEkkT3Ya3hRfXCKwFz8fUKKcdlxVMvKt SPOT 210 PROCESS One of the following textbook selections: 2.1. �����c����� k�� Critical thinking is more important today than ever before! <> 107 0 ETBfnRSfoOKpJrnljW73z7pmuWdvpsNvp9lcxJqchc331mVXSJJIkjT1rWPmWMX1lKs3LYoKqpXq 21 0 obj T+7ag/u/hWmKro/ylsy8v1zzL5g1G3mjRGtLy/8AVhDRxmNZFX01o4J9Stf7wBuoFFUYfy6JuJJW PROCESS �z@� �0& 8z6+ySTNOYPr3FAWZH4LxjVwi+nQIGpRmGKsps7ZLW0gtYyzRwRrEjOeTEIoUFj3O2KqWrf8cq9/ bB/yNT+uKu/S2lf8tsH/ACNT+uKu/S2lf8tsH/I1P64q79LaV/y2wf8AI1P64q79KWDbQzLcP2jg p6r/AMtEH/Ih/wDqtirv9ykfxEw3A7xqrQt8wS0gJ9jT54qrwzJMnNajchlOxVh1BxVqedIUBILM �z@� �0& TrueType RGB 0 RGB 0 XAufUdagM3It8W+574qm+KoXVv8AjlXv/GCX/iBxVRKLbw/VZ4ne1WggkiVnZQPsqRHVwV7MPDc1 6t5tt7C7svNOpeXHS3vHI02Ro/VnvUjFu89GX1EtVU0XYmtQyd1WGP8AkD+YX1eGOP8ANbWRKlsY wG5HYmpxVFReTEk1O7ktvywWF1nmki1F9T4o1zdIWuZhAzxNTmioWX7X7J474qstfy+X1Ss/5Voo <> PROCESS mHJXUMvgQCMVSW20D8kJvr2lxaP5eUWs6pfWT2dpGBPCGCFo3ReRUSMFancgHrkIzErAPJyc+jy4 4VUPp1z+fsyX31u08uWzxTJHYhzdgTRqG9WU+nJPxVzw9MH4gK8h0xVPdNg/Mc6pZtqlzpi6ZFze 9enUeUYZtPQH0rmPUYQp9NgsxeSjRqY2fgUajfA7Cv2cVUrHz3+ZN1qCKPJUJsHHoySJrFm8kV1H White Global Pure Green Kqfo/wDLnff9JX/ZxirvR/5c77/pK/7OMVd6cS7y219Gnd/Xkk/4WKaR/wAMVRENlZTIHjlmZTtU 100.000000 CKTUJPUUQM0QZp/UqSjKF3xVW1DzDpnkey+p6R5k8w2WqsG0+/ZLYRE3FnqJlluX9DVDH6scEjQr 1qenWk0Nvc3McVxc8/q1uzASymNDI4ij+05VFLEKDtiqBtPMtveLp0ltZX7QakZRHLJaSwekIjTl endobj AJaIP+RD/wDVbFW0muInWO64EOeMc8YKqWP7LKS3Gvb4jX2NAVUHZkyWmm2pJEctsJZSDQsEVBxq <> IumX1/ZapeSWdxp0rxSoYZJ+QiERd0+rCc8QbhB8VG67UFcVQ/8AyvL8shEJ21V1tWh+spc/Vbpo JJz0njOkUaTW8okeBSS6zWc7coyPiXb4aclVCDzFq99YenF+akqLeTQ6fbhvL/p3Iljs5Gmoh4zK Part 1 of the government white paper "Reforming the Mental Health Act," proposes to give clinical psychologists powers regarding the detention and compulsory treatment of people. Tit0UlqdaK6yu5Ff2fuxVS9b/l8vv+kX/s3xV3rf8vl9/wBIv/ZvirvXUbtf3ka93kgVEHzZoAo+ v0rpp2S5jkbskTCRz8lTkx+gYqutYpOclxKOMs1KJsSiL9lCRtXck+57jFXXMbiWK5jHJogyug6m 213 4 PROCESS /J+aHne0m06PUfJvBLn0jqFxb30dzHZc6MyztFG8a8VdeLu6q1eXwqCcVZloevX9zBL+nrKLQ7wX endstream 12xVncW2qXIGwMMLEf5RaUE/OigYq6T/AI6tv/xgn/4nDirw/wDO/wDMDT49LTTI9e1byzqMUyXt INTEXT QUESTIONS 7.2 1. 0 Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 sVQsf/HVuP8AjBB/xObFXSf8dW3/AOME/wDxOHFXaVtp0Ef7UK+i/wDrRH02p7clxV5B+aJubHz3 Overgeneralization describes seeing a pattern based on too little data. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about:- 1. PANTONE Blue 072 C stream 255 uJB9dto9Clguzbx/U5LsrFbxtIyqJGV5FQV+03bc5WzYldflxM2sNqkX5X8rgm0t1U66EiCylLm4 61 1iiR/titGd5CiqAa8SemKrx+aoMEEp8oeZlE9wltwOmnmhdpV9SRRIeMamD4m7BkPQ4qvH5oE2Iu RGB /Resources 20 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 110 >> RGB 210 20 0 obj /Resources 22 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> AOBg/wCqWKu+pXP/AC3z/wDAwf8AVLFXLLcQOq3JV43IVJ1BWjHYK6kt1/mB67UGKoOzAmtdMtZB CYoa8ZY1IdDT9pe+KvLvP35d/mLeedPrvlWXy2NMuYvVu7PVoWa7nkUuG5TCGe4EamYFTFLHxrRQ 13 0 obj <> lA2xVGSflr5Il13Wddm0tJtT8w2wstZlleV0uLdUSMRtCzmJRxiUfCoO2KpNo35CflHot3Z3mmeX endobj PROCESS /wCzjFXej/y53x9jc1H/AFEYqiY7iWNBHHp0yIuyqptwAPYCTFV3125/5YJ/+Cg/6q4q767c/wDL <> 0+PzhJSktMTU5PRldYWVpbXF1eX1RlZmdoaWprbG1ub2R1dnd4eXp7fH1+f3OEhYaHiImKi4yNjo 61 N6FuP+VVFOKoO4utOcEJfRQFmBlilIH+sGjLIykjY1+6uKrk1G1QGup2zEmpLMv6hIAPoxVd+lLX The first school of thought, structuralism, was advocated by the founder of the first psychology lab, Wilhelm Wundt. PSYCHOLOGY-Thinking and Problem Solving 1. �!>f Today, it is one area of psychological study. +3vvJN9bqx8zaq62SJcTxyySsQA6KPUHpEMecgUhfHwGyqM8uW3kyHUNOt7HUbzUCSVsbW4BMMdI endstream PROCESS PANTONE Hexachrome Green M pyoGBHsVYHFXXE7IUjjAaeUkID0AAqXam/EfrIHfFUJPHCjBbq4uJpSKiOEyLQH/ACYADxr0L1+e x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� aieC49Jhb3GuwzRwN9Ue2mtwVWpWL0ViapflzJ7EYqgbTybpts1hpdv5OsHvBHJrGmaLJrcaXkcs RGB endstream stream Cognitive restructuring is the process of helping individuals to overcome their biases and think in a 'balanced' way. 100.000000 lXUGF5B+hjBbpAt273PxGN1X04baZCVYcj8X2mXFUJqvmz9JaVqCzfmZ9ZhskuJCkuhenH69s/KG �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ KBXYa4HhYjTpIaCJn+zU/Vxt+0H/AGdlUstPIdze8Y9Z/L1YNR1CKcXOnnXYnjUyR3KyPwV/WKcp Y3VtpXSsax8V4xrTkaUG2KvQsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVdirsVQz3E8rslqqkKSrz RGB t457u2XVWlubKRobiCK2uncOhkDKoEXxkei+yVrTau1VVo/Ov8uH9MQ6jNM0kph4JZ3nJWX0+fMN False �\ |�$ �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ Latte 9J5vrBKy2cbcyKEH07VQV/lUghd+PHk3JVD+cP8AnFXyRf6hqWrW2v32nalq9zJPeNOIbqDjcymW AFTXjvyVW2Pm23sYLmy0z8wprn07CT9G6dBolZY2jdL15V9QKkn+jSpEocgfEDy5YqmflbzDca35 100.000000 GvFa/bD+I+GnfFV/q3NyT9XZYoAShmI5OxU8W4DYCh6M1d/2adVUJ9as/wDq9/8AD2v/AFTxV31q XtX5baZ5L1Py1oXmiw0bRotTmtxPJeaZbW4WK7lj9O8EMqAsPjDRsQ24FCTiqbecrFL/AE28sn0x 0 100.000000 ��*�M2y�͎�v���T@O[Ʒg��*��v���|��w��kF�mB �%�S����OI�y�U߲ ��U���6a�%�7��s m�Qi�L����p�l"D��㴿(T̂��Ɂ~���L������-m�_�_�v��j�|�X�����h��P�6j�%�y����-\ܼ��T+��۰y�����W�o�������CPmt�'сȞӁ0ׁ��d�B���@�s�q�9�t��f: ��n�a����{�Nh������\"��Qp�������sp��������������Ikp�����L�ʇ����(8iN^�����8e They also make a case for the complementary use of positive psychology in … PROCESS Humanistic psychology developed as a response to psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Magenta 0 endstream RGB ZrYfuv3wETI/wfa+FgffFXmg82ahfz3MOjfmZzvVSaGxtW0Z0iWQzXaRieWRJqhWRI+ZFT6QO/qE PROCESS Define problem solving. 88 RGB endstream UJZsz2enWwYoJrcSyupIYhVSoBG4LNJWvz774q8b89eXfzQ0rX4/MVxrOn2+ix3WoWulWtvFM59T ZZntoBCksEUcshdUMTsUkKKxQFwdqUAIriqtfeWPzFdZmtPOXGSQr6CvYW4WHlK3qMKV58IZKIrg rV4PqCQrIW2PpRnnw5hwuxIVFIXp0pmVHT48R4r+Z/G7Qc05jhpmP5f+W9Z0uaW4uwIop1AMNana RGB 16 Thinking is an important part of our human experience, and one that has captivated people for centuries. mp3Etrcx+rarA0U61IDGZlbjVSCCojBO/cZWzY6Pyb/Lb6nLZtowktZkt45YpJ7mQMtmGEAPOVj8 RGB 204 3. sQTsMUS5PJtR8l2nlu20mXR2livbqSS2uLOaaSb1FWOSZpgrts0bLU8aL8RBFSuXDGJyEJfSHW56 24 0 obj proof:pdf X5mvyxVWt5xMhNOLoeMiHqrDen3Go9sVauJ/SVQq85ZDxiStKt13O9AAKk/7WKoSdpo+Jub4xO9f <> Unhelpful Thinking Styles All or nothing thinking Mental filter 2 + 2 = 5 Jumping to conclusions Emotional reasoning STUPID Labelling Over-generalising “everything is always rubbish” “nothing good ever happens” +++ Disqualifying the positive Magnification (catastrophising) & … 34 2014-02-05T11:23:58Z NKqipqTQDviqrJ/x1bf/AIwT/wDE4cVYp551DUbL8uU/R9z9RuLtbKy+v97dLuSOBpFrsGpJRGOy endstream Open Type �}"�0B�!L�&Bk;��v��˷? p15YppS3kJextjMt1wjNjY2zepPcxj95s3ptG7ExlcVTT/lZf5van5mk0Dy35zttQ1m/K2jeXJ7R False RGB 255 Spearmint endstream endobj However, I challenge you to broaden your idea of critical thinking, beyond specific courses, even beyond areas of study, to include everything you think about—from the most mun - RGB Roman endobj xmp.did:F87F1174072068118C148882152AD317 PaFCWjCqzXEbIOR7FvsAtiqhY/nd5H+rxR6zerpusC0F5faekd3cC3BWNjE8v1eP96gnj5xlQ6lg �!>� x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� TrueType k8r25i1ENVMZzxT530I6EeX3cmXapeWdwZRBPHKVsLssEdWIH7vrQ5c6hIb7yH5vm1Ka/tPO17aO RGB PROCESS �����c����� k�� obvious, is thinking about the content of science. �\ |�& uuid:4655ecb5-d3f6-1e48-8ebb-2625e36bd3d9 avbv/C7Wl1G+hXNsiFUha2VeSvHyB5Vry48h+0VUp/5x5W28teePzTe4vLy/TSr+eGRriQTXEyxX 0 �z@� �0&�2�Գ��ɹ 72 <> wnqBiqGn8j+fpXZx57uI2KRoGSyhBBDfvm48/TrIlFHwfB1Xc4qzrFXYq7FULH/x1bj/AIwQf8Tm 5 0 obj endobj RGB endobj False Pure Green 1.3 What are the goals of psychology? xuoA6POWZjDwPL1JiXEe9efxKoWDzLd6vO0v/KwZLq1s0S4lmu9EeFfqU8ctwl3a+koVmaOWOJX+ <> 16 Default Swatch Group [K&R] Continue reading Chapter 6, "Language, Thinking, and Intelligence: What Humans Do Best" 2.1.1. gUbjiqU3X/ONPmef9JKv5kalHFqF1bXHD05m4pZ09JWLXZ9SRPSg4zMOY9MeJxVFQfkX+Yml31jP False 31K5/wCW+f8A4GD/AKpYq76lc/8ALfP/AMDB/wBUsVd9Suf+W+f/AIGD/qlirvqt4vxJeyOw6LKs True PROCESS stream 97.999992 k0brT/0x5w02e0+vQXGsLAzxM9vBJbt6UHp2cTKXWBw45qrcyCMVS+w/LP8A5yZ0nVjc6Z53s7i2 9aW8za/5w8xSpHqMUOkXsZmndo4Yb20ke5Rr62EAm9RCWhk3CEJI0iyOir6y8tX0V95C0TW4Z5rp R=243 G=187 B=28 <> 126 66 PSYCHOLOGY SECONDARY COURSE Thinking and Problem Solving In Activity 1 You may not be able to solve the problem, because of the mental set that one has to keep the lines within the grid of nine dots. �!>� 7YqmekeX/PFprMd1qHmv9JaYsciyaa2nwQlnd+SOJo2DD01+GlN+pxVPo/8Ajq3H/GCD/ic2Kuk/ nUXa+QLbARiY+uTc/u6RMH+KnwkHpirdhfaZqKTPp/1i8S3me2uGt75JRHPEaSROUuTxdD9pTuMV 2Ksh/M/TP0n5u022s/L9t5h1O3smvlgm1GK1eEW8tIZFt+cc55PIyCYHgpO4JpirHtL8gytDKs/5 yge09R0PRiixqA3ivx1pirw78+PNTx63qtinmzW9AeyWxcJo8IYqkFvdTSgL9ftpJDP9aSrCNVpF Vjq2xocVZPofnYxXrr5h8x+XDZzKEsxZ3QWY3IkKSofUfiyqSqAD4q9cVT+z85+Ur67hs7LWLO6u THINKING - PSYCHOLOGY 1. Step 4: More on helpful and realistic ways of thinking More tips on helpful thinking: Tip #1: Coping statements. uuid:3C393527B64811E19DCDAF5AF09D1147 28 210 /Resources 22 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> And in a way, you are right. <> uuid:3C393527B64811E19DCDAF5AF09D1147 Chalkboard False �z@� �0& [Sta… UtHhMxZi8CRygvElQzRTkqKyY3PCNUQnk6OzNhdUZHTD0uIIJoMJChgZhJRFRqS0VtNVKBry4/PE 210 0 .� endobj VI4QkJBLH92zM3E0NCwByUYGXIMZSA5vdbmEXNsyK3EuKxSUrxbqrjp0O+RZPMNW84efYvMt1c2X 255 �����c����� k�� Global Pure Red 4wS/8QOKqDLFbwLa3PJYYv8Aee5UGiKv2eTCvAoNiW2I+ZAVU/0io2XVrMqOhcKW+krKi1+SjFXf 117 a/yjX4F9MEOBm0PizJlOXD6fSDVGJvpv+L6R4eXfmv5X8n+Y/wAmtc8xfULGy1TR7iO7ttWsbW2t PROCESS x����q�J�Q| �@'�J��JB'�J|w��DZ������$8�E��5�����������; �N�&B!���Da"�0B�!L�&B!���Da"�0B�!L�&B!���Da"�0B�!L�&B!���Da���F��v�6�a�����m������Z�eY�D�6�M�{Z !L�&B!���Da�E�c�[���A��ӈns�U��s�Ϊ��FR;`%�0B�!L�&B!��2��?>��w��˷�,�f�w`[VB!���Da"�0B�!̜���ܵ��T���ì�&B!���Da"�0#�Q4��1'FǬ�&B!���Da"��QF���՛��J������mY !L�&B!���Da�E\�����~l�݁F_�8# endobj 41 x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� eShqE0xV6RAWguvqpYtE6GSDkeRXiQHUk70+JSK+/tiqKxV2KuxV2KoXVdtNuXH2o42lQ+Dxjmp+ PROCESS oxb7Jp0370qqvaa5mZlteCohKtNICwLKaFVQFa0PU8sVQ0t7LE5jl1KyjkX7SMhBHzBmxVb+kv8A PANTONE Violet C endobj 2014-02-05T11:23:58Z x�3R��2�35W(�*T0P�R0T(�Y@��� W1nJI0vrh5C8LqRKfVh/eDesX+UcVVtQ8l/mRdF3i8+NbOHleAJpsIVAzStCpUSrzEfOIHl9rhvs [Sacks] Chapter 13, "Yes, Father-Sister" (pp. 48 (.zAAq���'�d1y)etV�Vn�Nw�ц�W��.=s9��i4�O̪ 38poB9XbVdUuYRHLHKZbpmBaUUJaqqG4UotDQHqvXFUDdfltb3d4Z5NW1BUMcUJUzKXKQhqANxoB /Resources 22 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 67 >> 0rKxJ+L0vUZmNBVeIHJqnFWaeVtZ17U4r39M6K2iz21y0MULTLcCSIAFJVkRVU8ga/DWn2SeQYBV PROCESS items in most emergent area of psychology, i.e., cognitive psychology. 83 stream endobj %PDF-1.5 16 0 obj �\ |�" 0jQPC721YhDw6OAoJDBy6rING/Ozztd+b9LtJBZrYatfafps9p6ZmltpTYW9xeGCJHimZTPdlGlc PROCESS Vmmq2T6ot1bQSLE31Wa3Fw8aToks3EqTE/wP6fAEq2xqBirFp/Jv5mm5MqedY5GZVjgnl0q0ElqP 178 0 PROCESS xrbRreHS/NsMms24Ijv59OtolQzAG4dI0SUfvHXlx7cjvQAYqrWX5e+dreyubUecUi+uSPLdzWel 187 Thinking 2. 255 <> �����c����� kz� JPEG +YBxVrzR5cg8w6WthNdT2Xp3NteQ3VqYvVSazuEuYmHrJNGR6kQqGQ1GKvIm/wCcPfyyayezbUdY 191 63 rHGvIMOHLpQ+Kr//2Q== RGB +7FUVirsVdirsVQurf8AHKvf+MEv/EDiqH/0e2t47W6k9BYNra5NFACgqnxsOIcLsQeu+1MVWfpL 9ycVX/pO2/kn/wCkef8A5oxV36Ttv5J/+kef/mjFXfpO2/kn/wCkef8A5oxV36Ttv5J/+kef/mjF GlelTiqha+V/Ktrq1hq0M9gL/S4JrWwmZpZPSjuX9SbiHuWHN2rV/tb0rTFUXpumaJpuqarqlleW 255 Italic Black Light Blue P8vSnXFWZfl75u1bzgnnnSry8tdYtkEUmn3GkB7e2PqWULOtsJRcOOUxJ+Ll8fLYg0xVKtIgv/0Z Similarly the fourth chapter ‘Learning and Conditioning’ fifth chapter ‘Memory process’ and sixth chapter ‘Thinking Process’ proposed the other important areas of cognitive process both in higher order and lower order functioning. Black Study outline for K&R Chapter 6 (PDF) 2.2. TuMVecatp1xH5q1CWOw81vDFdJfRw2skX1Ce5R7hQQpiLBKSK7EMTRY6AlaYqhbxuEaSXNt+Yk31 RGB Test: Thinking and Feeling AP PSYCHOLOGY Exam: Scoring: Time: Directions: Essay Question 20 points total; each essay question is worth 10 points. 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